Show your profitable account here.

Apr 12, 2015 at 12:17
6,052 Replies
会员从Jul 25, 2014开始   177帖子
May 30, 2016 at 15:35
会员从Jul 19, 2010开始   23帖子
May 30, 2016 at 16:05
Anyways i didn't start with 20k from the first step if you seen it accurately i started with 2k then 5k , 10k and 20k for now.

So the first month i made around 2% only with 2k... the second month not even fully with 20k.

So that's why you see "only around 300€ for now. Cause if the math is not an opinion 3.41% on 20k not makes 300€ right?

but around 700€.

I just started to deposit, maybe i'll put more money or i'll do two accounts in two different brokers. My living is not made only by this investment.
Change your mind , change your life , change your world.
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 06:47
Lol, but I prefer my account lol. The returns are nothing. It was like over 700% before I made a small loss.

Listen, what really matters is expectancy. I went to Stanford, and in pure mathematical terms your trading expectancy is the most important factor in your strategy.

Look again, my strategy generates pretty good returns, even in the real world standards meaning cash, yet returns is not its purpose. I trade futures as well, so I know robust strategies when I see them. I am real trader in my own right. If you can't see that, through my stats, I'm afraid you can keep your 5%. I've made couple hundred g's trading. How much have you made?

As a matter of fact our Hedge Fund is hiring traders and we plan to give them around $3-5 million in capital based on their track records. But I'm sorry to say, with your attitude and especially your strategy, I must respectfully decline capitalizing it. Not worth it. I wasn't criticizing, I just wanted to hear what you had to say. But based on your answer seems you can take your strategies and put all your money where your mouth is and just go all out. Because It looks like the holy grail to me~~ Lolol

I am not going to argue with you though, because we make real money. I don't need to argue with u at all. Actually I was just pointing out certain things real traders meaning bank front office traders in financial centers of the world. Major firms etc would most likely pay attention to. I'm pretty sure they will agree with me, because I'm their boss, haha. j/k

Anyway, good luck with your trading. Peace I'm out.

Live to trade another day
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 06:49
So what is most important for you?? I would like to bring real traders to check out your account. We are short a good laugh in a long time... Sorry maybe that's a bit mean. But Good luck anyways.

I'll keep living the dream yo~~
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会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 06:50
Your average win is less than your average loss.
Your expectancy is 2 pips.
Your worst trades are larger than your best.

Shxt, get a lot more years under your belt before you talk. Sorry, I've never seen such idiotic things from someone who very obviously has a crap strategy. But oh well this is the internet... haha

Sorry, but seriously your strategy is rubbish. Won't even cover costs. Not worth my time. Go show off else where. Because if this is the level of accounts here. I'm out, hahaha.

If I sit there and make 200 trades to make like couple bucks... you're better off working at mickey d's. Not everyone is cut out for trading. Sorry harsh reality right back at you.

Peace, super star trader~~!!! haha
Live to trade another day
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 06:50
It's ok to hate or sip that hatorade~~ Numbers don't lie~~ PEACE~~
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会员从May 24, 2016开始   30帖子
May 31, 2016 at 06:54
会员从Sep 16, 2014开始   60帖子
May 31, 2016 at 07:05
janisce posted:
sizhouren posted: Best super high risk reward system with strict risk management.

You must be kidding us :D

Shorts Won: (8/42) 19%
Longs Won: (12/37) 32%

This is why you are a looser in the long run. Real professional who last decades all focuses on big reward and minimum risk. My risk reward could be up to 1: 20 at times. With my system, I have managed to make over 100 percent within 6 months before with just 15 percent drawdown.
会员从Sep 16, 2014开始   60帖子
May 31, 2016 at 07:06
会员从Dec 07, 2013开始   9帖子
May 31, 2016 at 07:24
hi all,
this is my strategy, Im only get into market once a week. And here my performance
会员从Jan 22, 2015开始   44帖子
May 31, 2016 at 07:25
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 07:26
forexfundmana posted:
This is my account, verified.

Live to trade another day
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 07:26
Now churn it a few monthS~~ forward test it~~ LIVE

Good luck


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会员从Jul 19, 2010开始   23帖子
May 31, 2016 at 08:28
amgtrdr posted:
I plan on committing $1 million HKD to this strategy soon), I'm also in the process of creating an algo to replace me for spread trading, and increasing capitals as mentioned.

I have larger accounts with LMAX etc. tho, which I will not share, as I currently do my size there.

But let's say I have $100k USD account, in which I only deposit 2% into current balance each time,
even if I blow that account it would only represent a 2% loss on any particular trade~~

Plus I am a partner at my brokerage, and we have automated away our dealing desks as a broker and only exist to provide the fastest and most stable liquidity

As a matter of fact our Hedge Fund is hiring traders and we plan to give them around $3-5 million in capital based on their track records.

Major firms etc would most likely pay attention to. I'm pretty sure they will agree with me, because I'm their boss, haha. j/k

Mmmm, you would be a good ballad singer for my children. Yours fairytails are amazing! How much you want for it? but hey can you put some unicorns and dragons as well? it would be fantastic for them. Always better than to be just an IB, Ops. 😁

Change your mind , change your life , change your world.
会员从May 24, 2016开始   30帖子
May 31, 2016 at 09:50
amgtrdr posted:
Now churn it a few monthS~~ forward test it~~ LIVE

Good luck



Thank you. This is to long term.
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 09:50
I like it~~ Getting better~~

Cheers all

Live to trade another day
会员从Dec 11, 2015开始   6帖子
May 31, 2016 at 09:56
Jack, I agree that most strategies here have a low expectancy but that is the nature of scalping. It doesn't make them bad but it is more difficult to copy effectively.
Your overall results are very similar to Neoxis where your DD is roughly equal to monthly returns. It comes down to what risk you willing to take and do you want to base your analysis on 300 trades or 30 trades? We all know that DD of 100% cant be recovered.. tone down on the risk bro :)
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
May 31, 2016 at 14:43
FXTGFund posted:
Jack, I agree that most strategies here have a low expectancy but that is the nature of scalping. It doesn't make them bad but it is more difficult to copy effectively.
Your overall results are very similar to Neoxis where your DD is roughly equal to monthly returns. It comes down to what risk you willing to take and do you want to base your analysis on 300 trades or 30 trades? We all know that DD of 100% cant be recovered.. tone down on the risk bro :)

Cool, thanks for your advice bro~!!

Will def keep in mind!!

Live to trade another day
会员从Apr 28, 2016开始   38帖子
Jun 01, 2016 at 06:17
forexfundmana posted:
amgtrdr posted:
Now churn it a few monthS~~ forward test it~~ LIVE

Good luck



Thank you. This is to long term.

*thumbs up*

Live to trade another day
会员从Mar 22, 2014开始   5帖子
Jun 01, 2016 at 06:34
Hello everyone,

Here is my strategy!
No free lunch in trade, even in arbitrage!