Where to find investors?

Oct 26, 2014 at 16:29
230 Replies
会员从Dec 16, 2009开始   12帖子
Oct 26, 2014 at 16:29 (已编辑 Oct 26, 2014 at 16:30)

I'm currently unemployed and trading daily with my own money which is not a lot. I can make 2-5% profit on a monthly average. I'm not yet ready to get any investor investing on me but in the future that would be good step further.

Or is there anyone who has forex managed account site and is looking for new forex traders? I could start with small real account or demo account to prove my skills. At first I would like to get connected with people who has their own forex business or is connected with managed account business.

But if anyone has some info to give, I'll be pleased. And for those who are going to write negative things like 'you cant trade like that' - save to yourself, I've heard it already and I know I can trade like that.

Have a good day
It is what it is
会员从Jun 09, 2014开始   134帖子
Oct 27, 2014 at 07:51
Why not make a website and sell your services? On Craigslist and other sites like that? You never know who might decide to invest.
会员从Dec 16, 2009开始   12帖子
Oct 27, 2014 at 09:01
Thank you for your reply.

I have thought making a website for my service, but I don't have the skills for that. I would like to own managed account business, but I still have lots to learn for something like that. Any idea where would I connect with people who hires managed account traders? Or any info how to become managed account trader?

Thank you
It is what it is
会员从Sep 09, 2014开始   49帖子
Oct 28, 2014 at 08:01
There are a lot of resources - forums, adv in searching systems, similar companies to this resource A LOT OF. BTW I find my first investor here :)
There can't be enough money
会员从Dec 16, 2009开始   12帖子
Oct 28, 2014 at 08:27
Thanks for the tip. Did your first investor give you money to trade or did you have managed account type of thing? Did you meet before he did invest in you or?

It is what it is
会员从Oct 01, 2014开始   16帖子
Oct 28, 2014 at 13:40
I also think that here you might fine your first investors...
会员从May 23, 2014开始   30帖子
Oct 29, 2014 at 08:24
This is an easy answer: sell your trades signal.
There are at least 6 big social trading sites where you can sell it. (Myfxbook too)
just google this

socialtradingguru social-trading-networks

and you will find what you need.
I am in the exact same situation like you .-)
trade or die
会员从Oct 30, 2014开始   1帖子
Oct 30, 2014 at 08:48
hye bro....i interested on u....do you have pamm account?i'm not good trader but i'm good in marketing
会员从Jan 22, 2014开始   21帖子
Oct 30, 2014 at 08:49
Run a website, show your performance, and investors come to you
skype ID:realreasonDY
会员从Jun 09, 2014开始   134帖子
Nov 02, 2014 at 14:44
realreason posted:
Run a website, show your performance, and investors come to you

Exactly. Also good to have and put in your signature.
会员从May 23, 2014开始   30帖子
Nov 03, 2014 at 11:16
why a website? this costs money a needs skills in webdesign and graphic design (if you want to look serious...)
Using a free hosting service, a standart content management template and some word graphics will not do the job :D.

It is so much easier to use social trading sites.

offcourse everyone is free to go the hard way, just for the fun.
trade or die
会员从Dec 16, 2009开始   12帖子
Nov 03, 2014 at 11:54
I think if you do well and can prove it here, that it is enough to get investors come to you? Am I right?
It is what it is
会员从Nov 03, 2014开始   42帖子
Nov 11, 2014 at 16:14
@pmjn87 I think it is easy to decide. You probably know what type of investors you want to attract. If you are convinced the best way to reach them is to show your performance here..... its the way to go.

Its not about wrong or right, it just depends.... f
会员从Jun 03, 2010开始   675帖子
Nov 12, 2014 at 08:17
What is a problem? Most of brokers have ratings, so if Youre good, then investors will find automaticly ;)
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
会员从Nov 03, 2014开始   42帖子
Nov 12, 2014 at 08:39
well, happy that it is working for you this way Adrian.... usually it is not.
会员从May 23, 2014开始   30帖子
Nov 14, 2014 at 12:10
pmjn87 posted:
I think if you do well and can prove it here, that it is enough to get investors come to you? Am I right?

yes absolutely. It works.
At the moment i am working hard to build a second signal, becuase i want to make a living of trading.
At the moment i have only one Signal which is profitable but only mediacore performance (stable 450-600 pips a month, still tweaking it goal was 900-1000 pips a month)
When i have succsess to set up get my second strategy running i will use it to sell the signal on social trading sites too.

But even when you have only one Signal you can still sell it on more than one Social trading site. You can even scamble the second signal by using a different broker (must be located on different continent) so the Pips and the trades generated are not 100% the same. (I figured this out by comparing european,australian,canadian Brokers)
trade or die
会员从Oct 24, 2014开始   5帖子
Nov 17, 2014 at 15:32
ese434 posted:
hye bro....i interested on u....do you have pamm account?i'm not good trader but i'm good in marketing

hey ese434: i am shitty in marketing, but i know a DMAM with good performance, maybe we could help each other, drop me a PM, if you are interested, thank you
会员从Oct 24, 2014开始   5帖子
Nov 17, 2014 at 15:42
pmjn87 posted:
Any idea where would I connect with people who hires managed account traders? Or any info how to become managed account trader?

Thank you

hey pmjn87, PM me if you have a verified continuous track record of min. two years with min 15% yearly profits, and low DD, I can recommend a company, who is searching for winner traders for its managed account service
会员从Dec 16, 2009开始   12帖子
Nov 18, 2014 at 08:20
fx21krisz posted:
pmjn87 posted:
Any idea where would I connect with people who hires managed account traders? Or any info how to become managed account trader?

Thank you

hey pmjn87, PM me if you have a verified continuous track record of min. two years with min 15% yearly profits, and low DD, I can recommend a company, who is searching for winner traders for its managed account service

sorry, I dont have track record of 2years. I have to keep trading
It is what it is
会员从Nov 03, 2014开始   42帖子
Nov 18, 2014 at 09:57
pmjn87 posted:
fx21krisz posted:
pmjn87 posted:
Any idea where would I connect with people who hires managed account traders? Or any info how to become managed account trader?

Thank you

hey pmjn87, PM me if you have a verified continuous track record of min. two years with min 15% yearly profits, and low DD, I can recommend a company, who is searching for winner traders for its managed account service

sorry, I dont have track record of 2years. I have to keep trading

if you have a testified track record near to this suggested 15%/2 years, you do not need any recommendations....there might be some problems with the definition of verified/testified and how much AUM but..... there is always something
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