Why 2-10% monthly return is far Fetched!

Jan 11, 2013 at 17:01
27 Replies
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 17:01
Link to the best trades ever made.

 'THE BEST TRADES' ever made. By PROFESSIONAL traders. These positions were taken based on CURRENT EVENTS. Speculative trading which pays off if done correctly. Most of what was done by these traders were unorthodox in nature, yet it paid off. These PROFESSIONALS cashed in on a NEWS release, or the move of the news release. Something called 'FRONTLOADING' in stocks.
  No one should be impressed by 2-10% a month for 30 months. Only because PROFESSIONALS aren't even doing it. Not to mention people in currency get taken away by terms such as 'DRAW DOWN', 'RISK/REWARD', 'MONEY MANAGEMENT' etc. Those terms are excuses to justify our bias position. Here is an example.
   You have people who earn 5% a month, yet with even a 15% draw down. What your falling to understand is that their 'DRAW DOWN' is more then 5 to 15 TIMES the DAILY RANGE of the currency they trade. Most will argue that 'I'm a swinger', yet does that mean a SWINGER shouldn't try to obtain the best possible price? Swingers base their entries on past HIGHs and LOWS. Yet look at the over 1000 point move up eur/jpy has had and the 700 points eur/usd has had over the last 3 weeks. What started it? N.F.P. news release. How quickly we forget these things. We also forget that when EUR/USD was at its 52 week low. It was the actual day of the N.F.P. which caused it to hit the 52 week low and never look back (That was 1.22xx)
    So my point is looking for 5% monthly is unrealistic. Only because THE PROFESSIONALS aren't even avg'in that. Most of the hedge funds which have decent returns do so, off of a 1 day spike in price. Not 3% RETURN daily of a stock they own. Which is why if we focused on earning as much as we can, withdrawing all of our profits, and trying to obtain the best possible price. Will you then see the market for what it is.
会员从Dec 01, 2011开始   95帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 18:16 (已编辑 Jan 11, 2013 at 18:18)
When you say swinger first thing we think is kinky Wife Swapping Couples... Lol 😉 Your Percentage returns has a lot to do with time frame used. We are not going to go into details on the logic but a lot of professionals with access to heavy Computer Machinery are doing 20% per month... We are the professionals and talking from personal experience... if can be done...
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 18:26
Hello Mr. RingLeader. I for one don't believe in SWING TRADING. Not because I can't do it. Only because it isn't the most efficient way to earn profit. To touch on something which you mentioned above. In regards to PROFESSIONALS having access to Computer Machinery. Those machines at best show you market depth. Basically how many lots are sitting at certain levels. That can give you can edge, if your on the RIGHT side of the trade so you can take profit according to those levels. Yet what no machine can do is predict the MOTHER OF EVERYTHING IN FOREX. VOLUME! No machine can tell you how much volume will pore into a currency pair 1m from now, much less 1 month from now. Being that VOLUME determines which support and resistance will be hit. Why would anyone INVEST, when in no way shape or form (unless your an insider) can you predict that 10trillion eurs will be bought tomorrow. ; )
会员从Dec 01, 2011开始   95帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 18:38 (已编辑 Jan 11, 2013 at 18:41)
We are Also Futures Traders... We have cross Market Discipline this is what gives traders like us an edge. we can see moves in other markets outside of forex. Moves in other Markets have a Ripple Effect. that eventually move into Forex , You just have to know where to look.... Take a look at our new live account. it says we are down about -400 pips yet we have a profit. its things like this. that defy Logic, that will make you the money. 'Forex Volume' is more of an Echo of a 'Event' that has already happened so it is not that important to us....
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 18:41
Well I see you believe in your system or your company. Yet why not break down a specific trade which you have entered (in real) and give us an example of your Market Discipline.
会员从Dec 01, 2011开始   95帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 18:50
The Account to that link that is posted is live.... Breaking down a specific trade. is a bit hard, because the system uses so 'SOOO' many different variables at any given time. Plus it can build its Own Micro Strategies add them and delete them in real time based on current day learning protocols... we have discipline in understanding the markets to the point we know how to build a solid piece of software to take that same Disciple to the next level. at faster rates then humanly possible. trading is ALL math & statistics. nothing more. Just Like Human Emotion is a quantifiable Math Statistic.
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 11, 2013 at 19:04
Fxringleader posted:
The Account to that link that is posted is live.... Breaking down a specific trade. is a bit hard, because the system uses so 'SOOO' many different variables at any given time. Plus it can build its Own Micro Strategies add them and delete them in real time based on current day learning protocols... we have discipline in understanding the markets to the point we know how to build a solid piece of software to take that same Disciple to the next level. at faster rates then humanly possible. trading is ALL math & statistics. nothing more. Just Like Human Emotion is a quantifiable Math Statistic.

 Sounds GREAT! Yet, not something which anyone will buy into. Yet I wish you luck! If you have developed such a system. Why aren't you earning much more per trade?
会员从Mar 28, 2011开始   15帖子
Jan 12, 2013 at 12:00
Dear Amberlynn and all traders please don't get sucked in by FXringleaders sales hype...I know personally of one trader who 'invesested' over $5000 in their fully managed totally automated Plan 5 and saw their account blown up in less then one week (3 trades)...Fxringleader refused any refund nor did they return emails or calls asking them what happened....They simply disapeared and are untraceable as they do not have a physical address or phone contact. They operate via email and skype only....
They are basically high end scammers. Any one wanting to verify the above notice can contact me on [email removed] or call me directly 61 413029789.
Chris Mayhew
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 12, 2013 at 12:18
christop posted:
Dear Amberlynn and all traders please don't get sucked in by FXringleaders sales hype...I know personally of one trader who 'invesested' over $5000 in their fully managed totally automated Plan 5 and saw their account blown up in less then one week (3 trades)...Fxringleader refused any refund nor did they return emails or calls asking them what happened....They simply disapeared and are untraceable as they do not have a physical address or phone contact. They operate via email and skype only....
They are basically high end scammers. Any one wanting to verify the above notice can contact me on [email removed] or call me directly 61 413029789.
Chris Mayhew

  Thanks so much for the response. I wouldn't say he is a scammer. He is more of a horrible trader. He would of been a scammer if your friend of sent him the 5k and never funded the account. Yet in this case, you have a person who knows how to blow accounts, while pretending he is a swing trader!
会员从Dec 01, 2011开始   95帖子
Jan 12, 2013 at 21:48
People Are free to post what ever they like, 'Good Or Bad' that's the freedom of the internet. but we are a transparent company. and easy to contact. We even have a live chat support button on our web site. Are we going to hype something, not at all. we post our results to myfxbook.com and keep them Posted up even if the results look bad., when we first started on myfxbook our first account. made money but had a nasty drawn down, 'easy to see on our results plain as day' that version of the system had a -80% drawn down at one point. enough to wipe out an over leveraged account. and wipe out an account if the broker re-quoted the account to many times. from leaving to many trades Opened.

Now Since that first account. Over 1 year ago 'back in 2011' you will see all the new system versions and the absolute draw downs have been getting lower and lower. and no we are not swing traders not worth the risk to swing trade.. the main issue was our multi system bridges getting our Joone Engine to Translate trades into MT4 and still have a broker that could follow all the micro order changes. We had enough of the demo accounts. found a good broker we like and its a public live forward test. so we can dwell on the past or focus on the present and move on to the future is how we see it. not once have we been on this forum and said Hey! buy my system and get rich over night....

The New Version of the 2013 system is more balanced and is looking for low sustainable returns over the long haul. its an Open book. open for public debate and inspection. This account represents a small blown or damaged account that is in recovery. only thing one can do is follow it and make notes. and Make there own opinion... Got a Question about it. just ask. 😎
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 12, 2013 at 22:43
Ok first of all. Why do people keep blaming brokers for re quoting them. If you liquid enough. You can get an ECN (yadix, exness) which WONT RE QUOTE you. Also, what do Draw downs and requotes have to do with one another. If your stop loss is say 50 points from your entry. Your not going to get RE QUOTED for another 50 point loss. Come on, your not speaking to a noob here. Also, by using a pending order your broker HAS TO FILL THAT ORDER AT THAT PRICE. People who say that their sl has been skipped over are either lying, or they trade with ETORO. Yet, the fact is as follows.

 Your draw down is based on your CLOSED loss, and the amount of equity it ate up. Yet those stats can be easily manipulated by hedging the position. Also, any position should never be held for more then a 20 point loss. 20 points is about 1/4 of the daily range of any currency pair (except eur/jpy) For your system to be used on low leverage, and you experience a 80% draw down says that your system has a very big hole.
会员从Dec 01, 2011开始   95帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 03:51 (已编辑 Jan 13, 2013 at 03:51)
Lynn, You talk with out giving things much thought. we have no control over who's broker your using when our system is connected to YOUR BROKER! 'we do not have any issues with our personal Broker' but people have all kinds of brokers and spreads. our system does its job. but we have ZERO control over who you personally choose for a broker. and for the record, you mention hedging, we DO NOT hedge.... 80% draw down in excessive profits already obtained. No Hole just obsessively Aggressive. well lynn you can go toe to toe with us anytime your ready with a live account. talk is talk , back it up with a live account... Maybe we will hire you if you can manage to out trade us after 6 months. you can use what ever max leverage you Can find.... We will give you 1 week to fund an account with exactly $500 - and we can compare notes after 6 months.
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 04:57
*Yawns* You have been here for years as you say. And you have done NOTHING!
 You were the one mentioning that brokers give you requotes which add to your losses. Requotes don't add to your losses. Your poor entry is what caused the losses. For you to use low leverage and have a 80% drawdown means your beyond bias to your losing position. No one is going to invest in your dead end company. People are here to earn a quick buck. Not to sit and wait 1 year for 11% return! Open your eyes and figure that out.
会员从Mar 28, 2011开始   15帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 07:21
Fxringleader posted:
People Are free to post what ever they like, 'Good Or Bad' that's the freedom of the internet. but we are a transparent company. and easy to contact. We even have a live chat support button on our web site. Are we going to hype something, not at all. we post our results to myfxbook.com and keep them Posted up even if the results look bad., when we first started on myfxbook our first account. made money but had a nasty drawn down, 'easy to see on our results plain as day' that version of the system had a -80% drawn down at one point. enough to wipe out an over leveraged account. and wipe out an account if the broker re-quoted the account to many times. from leaving to many trades Opened.

Now Since that first account. Over 1 year ago 'back in 2011' you will see all the new system versions and the absolute draw downs have been getting lower and lower. and no we are not swing traders not worth the risk to swing trade.. the main issue was our multi system bridges getting our Joone Engine to Translate trades into MT4 and still have a broker that could follow all the micro order changes. We had enough of the demo accounts. found a good broker we like and its a public live forward test. so we can dwell on the past or focus on the present and move on to the future is how we see it. not once have we been on this forum and said Hey! buy my system and get rich over night....

The New Version of the 2013 system is more balanced and is looking for low sustainable returns over the long haul. its an Open book. open for public debate and inspection. This account represents a small blown or damaged account that is in recovery. only thing one can do is follow it and make notes. and Make there own opinion... Got a Question about it. just ask. 😎

Guys What about Tony G (from Sydney) $5000 account (fully automated and managed by yourself ( Plan 5) that you BLEW UP with in a week? in less then 8 trades you took $5000 down to $4.00 and offered no refund or proper explanation except to say the brokerage didn't respond to your order??? wtf? Not only that you ceased communication with him immediately and still remain uncontrollable or traceable.... Where is your trading office located?

You need to redo you advertising on myfx book and your shonky web site which states clearly that you have 'never lost or blown up a members account' see quote below I copied and pasted from your myfx page! Your web site is even more misleading!

' We have never lost or blown a members account. This is a limited offer $99 Includes e-mail alerts & Wireless SMS Text Message alerts to any Location on the planet. Don’t Place another trade or risk another loss'

What I'd like you to do is recontact Tony G in Sydney You have his email and direct tel numbers and offer him a full refund.

Remove all your twisted adverting re never had blown up a members account! You Blew up his account in 2012 not several years ago.

If you are so transparent as you say please provide your physical trading address and land contact numbers...not some shonky live chat support which you don't answer!

Also who the hell are you? If your so professional may be you can provide us all with your real names and tell us a bit about yourselves? Otherwise you come across as a couple of 20 year old finance dropouts who are trying to fleece unsuspecting noobs by running a flash web site out of their moms kitchen.


Chris Mayhew

会员从Aug 22, 2012开始   170帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 09:12
2 - 10% per month is not far fetched at all. It's easily achievable. If you think it is, you may as well be doing something else far less risky.
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 21:35
christop posted:
Fxringleader posted:
People Are free to post what ever they like, 'Good Or Bad' that's the freedom of the internet. but we are a transparent company. and easy to contact. We even have a live chat support button on our web site. Are we going to hype something, not at all. we post our results to myfxbook.com and keep them Posted up even if the results look bad., when we first started on myfxbook our first account. made money but had a nasty drawn down, 'easy to see on our results plain as day' that version of the system had a -80% drawn down at one point. enough to wipe out an over leveraged account. and wipe out an account if the broker re-quoted the account to many times. from leaving to many trades Opened.

Now Since that first account. Over 1 year ago 'back in 2011' you will see all the new system versions and the absolute draw downs have been getting lower and lower. and no we are not swing traders not worth the risk to swing trade.. the main issue was our multi system bridges getting our Joone Engine to Translate trades into MT4 and still have a broker that could follow all the micro order changes. We had enough of the demo accounts. found a good broker we like and its a public live forward test. so we can dwell on the past or focus on the present and move on to the future is how we see it. not once have we been on this forum and said Hey! buy my system and get rich over night....

The New Version of the 2013 system is more balanced and is looking for low sustainable returns over the long haul. its an Open book. open for public debate and inspection. This account represents a small blown or damaged account that is in recovery. only thing one can do is follow it and make notes. and Make there own opinion... Got a Question about it. just ask. 😎

Guys What about Tony G (from Sydney) $5000 account (fully automated and managed by yourself ( Plan 5) that you BLEW UP with in a week? in less then 8 trades you took $5000 down to $4.00 and offered no refund or proper explanation except to say the brokerage didn't respond to your order??? wtf? Not only that you ceased communication with him immediately and still remain uncontrollable or traceable.... Where is your trading office located?

You need to redo you advertising on myfx book and your shonky web site which states clearly that you have 'never lost or blown up a members account' see quote below I copied and pasted from your myfx page! Your web site is even more misleading!

' We have never lost or blown a members account. This is a limited offer $99 Includes e-mail alerts & Wireless SMS Text Message alerts to any Location on the planet. Don’t Place another trade or risk another loss'

What I'd like you to do is recontact Tony G in Sydney You have his email and direct tel numbers and offer him a full refund.

Remove all your twisted adverting re never had blown up a members account! You Blew up his account in 2012 not several years ago.

If you are so transparent as you say please provide your physical trading address and land contact numbers...not some shonky live chat support which you don't answer!

Also who the hell are you? If your so professional may be you can provide us all with your real names and tell us a bit about yourselves? Otherwise you come across as a couple of 20 year old finance dropouts who are trying to fleece unsuspecting noobs by running a flash web site out of their moms kitchen.


Chris Mayhew

 Well this is the second time you have mentioned this. He has yet to touch on the topic. So I guess it is true. Yet. Under no circumstance should you ask someone to 'return money' which they have lost. Unless that is under the terms and agreements. We make investments because we can afford to lose it. Although no likes to lose, the fact is you don't have someone trade for you, for them to blow the account in any time frame. Then you ask for a refund! That isn't even done on wall street. I feel for you, but seriously you can forget about him refunding you even .01 cents.
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 21:37
incometrader posted:
2 - 10% per month is not far fetched at all. It's easily achievable. If you think it is, you may as well be doing something else far less risky.
2-10% profit per month IS far fetched! In terms of it being constant returns! Post 10 accounts which for 12 months they have been able to avg 2-10% profit!
会员从Aug 22, 2012开始   170帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 22:41
AmberLynn, my inbox is getting clogged with with posts of you arguing with with people. Do you enjoy arguing? How old are you???
会员从Dec 04, 2012开始   241帖子
Jan 13, 2013 at 22:43
I don't enjoy arguing. In fact it is non-productive. I won't entertain it anymore. I'm actually going to post only on following thread. We are all here to earn money.
会员从Apr 14, 2011开始   72帖子
Jan 14, 2013 at 14:11
We have crooks & failed traders perennially blaming brokers! Simply, they are losers!
Never ever ever give up!!!
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