Are you blocked in discussion groups....?!!! Please come here and tell us..!

Jan 31, 2015 at 16:46
772 Replies
会员从May 20, 2011开始   694帖子
May 24, 2016 at 07:11
Mgarg44 posted:
You cannot post in RedRhinoFX's topics since RedRhinoFX has blocked you.

This scammer stolen my money and later block me. Why fxbook allow this?
ouch! can you post a screenshot plz?
会员从Dec 04, 2010开始   1447帖子
May 24, 2016 at 09:01 (已编辑 May 24, 2016 at 09:03)
Mgarg44 posted:
You cannot post in RedRhinoFX's topics since RedRhinoFX has blocked you.

This scammer stolen my money and later block me. Why fxbook allow this?
I have a lot of faith in Frank, he's a valued member of this community, always calling out scammers and has had his signals all fully verified and running on reputable signal copying platforms like simpletrader and So I don't believe you. If you were running one of his old EAs, which he hasn't sold for quite some time and lost money then you may have been using too high a risk setting. He has never offered a money back guarantee on his EAs or his signals. So I don't see how he's "stolen your money". He's got 5 vouchers from others in this community and I note 1 block (I am assuming you). The sign of the scammers on here is many many blocks. Also a friend who uses his ATS10 signal has been very profitable and the trades match his signal so no faking of data.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 09:02
FXtrader2010 posted:
Mgarg44 posted:
You cannot post in RedRhinoFX's topics since RedRhinoFX has blocked you.

This scammer stolen my money and later block me. Why fxbook allow this?
ouch! can you post a screenshot plz?

It depends which of his many profiles here on MFB was it :)
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 09:12
togr posted:
FXtrader2010 posted:
Mgarg44 posted:
You cannot post in RedRhinoFX's topics since RedRhinoFX has blocked you.

This scammer stolen my money and later block me. Why fxbook allow this?
ouch! can you post a screenshot plz?

It depends which of his many profiles here on MFB was it :),1
会员从May 20, 2011开始   694帖子
May 24, 2016 at 09:47
togr posted:
FXtrader2010 posted:
Mgarg44 posted:
You cannot post in RedRhinoFX's topics since RedRhinoFX has blocked you.

This scammer stolen my money and later block me. Why fxbook allow this?
ouch! can you post a screenshot plz?

It depends which of his many profiles here on MFB was it :)
lol damn! I dunno he has posted a lot of good things before, but I don't know anyone who has commercial interest here I remain neutral to.
会员从Dec 04, 2010开始   1447帖子
May 24, 2016 at 10:18
togr posted:
togr posted:
FXtrader2010 posted:
Mgarg44 posted:
You cannot post in RedRhinoFX's topics since RedRhinoFX has blocked you.

This scammer stolen my money and later block me. Why fxbook allow this?
ouch! can you post a screenshot plz?

It depends which of his many profiles here on MFB was it :),1
I don't think he's trying to hide the fact he has 3 profiles, they all have the same name within, if you were using multiple profiles to scam people you wouldn't be using the same name but using something completely different. Looks like one is used for all of his current commercial signals, and the others are used for testing old systems and new systems. I note he has many many vouchers across the 3 profiles, 27 odd and in comparison very few profiles blocked. I know I have had to block some really annoying posters before, if he had dozens of blocks like the scammers I would be concerned.
会员从Jan 26, 2015开始   8帖子
May 24, 2016 at 10:58
RedRhino Scam me too and he only reply me 2 weeks later saying that im Tomas Garcia (Im not Tomas) trying to confuse all comunity.

会员从Dec 04, 2010开始   1447帖子
May 24, 2016 at 11:08
wirlnet87 posted:
RedRhino Scam me too and he only reply me 2 weeks later saying that im Tomas Garcia (Im not Tomas) trying to confuse all comunity.

can you provide evidence he scammed you? or just heresay. If you are going to make serious accusation then show proof he scammed you.
会员从Sep 09, 2013开始   406帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:09
Your logic is wrong Tomas... Having interest in some ones system has nothing to do with liking or disliking that person.

I like you tomas, but you really should stop following me around and complaining about my system out performing yours.

Remember its my code, my system, my account.
会员从Dec 04, 2010开始   1447帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:24
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:26
aeronthomas posted:
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.

And you are also liar, very well.


会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:27
togr posted:
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.

And you are also liar, very well.

Caesar has nothing to do with your systems,
yet you are parasiting on my system name


会员从Dec 04, 2010开始   1447帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:33
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.

And you are also liar, very well.
I am not lying, look on I can see they are all marketed as RedRhino Fx 10, 12, 15. But I do agree looks like Frank does need to update the graphic on his website as ATS10 (ranked 36, is certainly performing better than caeser 2.1 (ranked 46). If Frank was inspired by how your system traded, and obviously it's now a different and much better system then he should remove / edit that graphic.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:40
aeronthomas posted:
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.

And you are also liar, very well.
I am not lying, look on I can see they are all marketed as RedRhino Fx 10, 12, 15. But I do agree looks like Frank does need to update the graphic on his website as ATS10 (ranked 36, is certainly performing better than caeser 2.1 (ranked 46). If Frank was inspired by how your system traded, and obviously it's now a different and much better system then he should remove / edit that graphic.

Oh Frank, wow you guys have relationship or what ;)
会员从Dec 04, 2010开始   1447帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:44
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.

And you are also liar, very well.
I am not lying, look on I can see they are all marketed as RedRhino Fx 10, 12, 15. But I do agree looks like Frank does need to update the graphic on his website as ATS10 (ranked 36, is certainly performing better than caeser 2.1 (ranked 46). If Frank was inspired by how your system traded, and obviously it's now a different and much better system then he should remove / edit that graphic.

Oh Frank, wow you guys have relationship or what ;)
no but it's sad that vendors fight and try to damage honest vendor's reputations when you should be combining together to fight against the true scammers on this site. Your vouchers and Frank's both are testament to having followers and I for one appreciate Frank's calling out scammers on here and on his blog, I know he's saved me thousands from dodgy systems on here. good luck to you both. I'm out.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:47
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
togr posted:
aeronthomas posted:
Fairly sure that RedRhino systems are marketed as ATS10, ATS12, ATS15 well at least on simpletrader / connectforex / signalstart / myfxbook. Although I do remember he previously had one called Caesar's Armour. If you have trademarked Caesar's Armour togr and he's still using that officlal trademark, contact your lawyers.

And you are also liar, very well.
I am not lying, look on I can see they are all marketed as RedRhino Fx 10, 12, 15. But I do agree looks like Frank does need to update the graphic on his website as ATS10 (ranked 36, is certainly performing better than caeser 2.1 (ranked 46). If Frank was inspired by how your system traded, and obviously it's now a different and much better system then he should remove / edit that graphic.

Oh Frank, wow you guys have relationship or what ;)

Well the evaluation is changing over time. C 2.1 was 3rd on signalstart when it was the age of ATS 10 :)
会员从Sep 09, 2013开始   406帖子
May 24, 2016 at 12:59 (已编辑 May 24, 2016 at 13:12)
RedRhino posted:
ahmedfouad posted:
I was thinking about it...Yes....if you are blocked, come here and tell us where you were blocked and why? (after the crash of 30% of the account, I withdrew from the account management and also others, we critisize that we've never been informed by email before taking the decision by the master account to close all losing trades specially it was done "manually" and not "automatically")

I was also blocked by - but in respect to his Caesar system, he did mention that he will close trades at 33%.

This discussion was created to discuss when we got blocked.

Hey, Tomas, you remember blocking me back in Feb 2015.... you know.. before I had my own system? You disrespected me by not having a discussion on your System Thread....
会员从May 20, 2011开始   694帖子
May 24, 2016 at 13:05
Ok so I don't think Rhino is a scammer here, so what you got blocked from a thread, doesn't make you a scammer. I have read a lot of interesting posts from him and tell by the stuff he puts out its pretty genuine, names aside.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
May 24, 2016 at 14:20
RedRhino posted:
RedRhino posted:
ahmedfouad posted:
I was thinking about it...Yes....if you are blocked, come here and tell us where you were blocked and why? (after the crash of 30% of the account, I withdrew from the account management and also others, we critisize that we've never been informed by email before taking the decision by the master account to close all losing trades specially it was done "manually" and not "automatically")

I was also blocked by - but in respect to his Caesar system, he did mention that he will close trades at 33%.

This discussion was created to discuss when we got blocked.

Hey, Tomas, you remember blocking me back in Feb 2015.... you know.. before I had my own system? You disrespected me by not having a discussion on your System Thread....

You did steal the Caesar name and you tried to steal the system itself. Thats good reason to block you. Anyway you have many profiles here so I am sure I did not block all of them.
会员从Sep 09, 2013开始   406帖子
May 24, 2016 at 15:13
yeah i thought you would forget, but I said you blocked me well before copying your system. sure block me today, but back in Feb 2015 lol
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