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a good trading strategy
会员从Jul 19, 2020开始
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
会员从Jan 11, 2019开始
会员从Aug 07, 2020开始
Sep 14, 2020 at 15:11
会员从Aug 07, 2020开始
A good trading strategy is given below :
1.Educate yourself about Forex risk and trading by the help of many educational
forum or website like as babypips,forexfactory,earnforex,myfxbook,mfxcenter etc.
2.Use a stop loss
3.Use a take profit to secure your profits
4.Do not risk more than you can afford to lose
5.Limit your use of leverage
6.Have realistic profit expectations
7.Have a Forex trading plan
8.Prepare for the worst
9.Control your emotions
1.Educate yourself about Forex risk and trading by the help of many educational
forum or website like as babypips,forexfactory,earnforex,myfxbook,mfxcenter etc.
2.Use a stop loss
3.Use a take profit to secure your profits
4.Do not risk more than you can afford to lose
5.Limit your use of leverage
6.Have realistic profit expectations
7.Have a Forex trading plan
8.Prepare for the worst
9.Control your emotions
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
Sep 17, 2020 at 02:23
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
To analyze trading, first, you need to acquire knowledge about trading. A good strategy can make you profit. Technical and fundamental analysis is much preferred by me. There is a lot to be done with analysis. For example, if you combine good analysis with money management and risk management, you will one day be successful in trading.
Sep 17, 2020 at 09:24
会员从Feb 07, 2020开始
A good trading strategy always contains each and every aspect of the trading. A good trading strategy comprises of both the technical & fundamental analysis, pre-determined time frame, data of past performances, references from trade signals, and risk management. A good strategy has different definitions for different people but in my opinion, a trader must include the following in his/her trading strategy.
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
Sep 19, 2020 at 11:21
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
Stephankir posted:
A good trading strategy is given below :
1.Educate yourself about Forex risk and trading by the help of many educational
forum or website like as babypips,forexfactory,earnforex,myfxbook,mfxcenter etc.
2.Use a stop loss
3.Use a take profit to secure your profits
4.Do not risk more than you can afford to lose
5.Limit your use of leverage
6.Have realistic profit expectations
7.Have a Forex trading plan
8.Prepare for the worst
9.Control your emotions
I agree with you. Every trader should follow those steps if they can become successful in this risky market.
会员从Jun 26, 2020开始
会员从Jul 19, 2020开始
会员从Jun 26, 2020开始
会员从Jul 14, 2020开始
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
Dec 28, 2020 at 09:16
会员从Dec 15, 2019开始
In forex you do not just come up wit a trading strategy, you come up with a good trading strategy or a perfect trading strategy depending on what you have going on. The better the trading strategy the more results you will yield. And always remember that you should come up with your own strategy because people are different.
