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How do you keep up to date with trading news/ events/ opinions?
Apr 25, 2016 at 06:12
会员从Apr 09, 2016开始
mlawson71 posted:
I am pretty sure there are plenty of people out there who know these news before they are announced and they leak them to others who have an interest to start trading as early as possible.
yeah, the news are traded before they came out.
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
Apr 30, 2016 at 14:33
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
mlawson71 posted:idimitrov posted:
Market is unpredictable during news, so that stay away from the news.
I try to do just that most of the time. And even if I did want to trade news, the spreads on most pair increase to untradeable levels during that time.
Some times it takes time for the spread to adjust,if its some unknown company it can take longer,I've traded stocks where the spread
changed the day after I made a profit.So many financial products they don't keep an eye on everything :)
"They mistook leverage with genius".
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
May 01, 2016 at 15:54
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
idimitrov posted:
Yeah, the thing is that we, as trader, want the odds in our favour and trading during the new is doing the opposite because it is very unpredictable
Trade it up too the news or after,I trade stocks if they get whacked more than 10% or increase more than 10% on news,I use saddle trades sometimes as well.It would be insane to have a naked trade on the exact minute of data release.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
会员从May 20, 2011开始
May 01, 2016 at 18:36
(已编辑 May 01, 2016 at 18:37)
会员从May 20, 2011开始
SamBull posted:no of that shit is useful, just a distraction. only need to know what news events can trigger market volatility and that's it. don't listen to analyst bs. focus on getting good at trading, not being a social butterfly.
Hi guys, I'm a beginner at Forex and I'm looking for a way to stay updated with analysis and opinions on the financial markets. Have you heard of this app tradebird Do you know what is it and is it useful? Thanks
May 03, 2016 at 09:47
(已编辑 May 03, 2016 at 09:47)
会员从Dec 11, 2015开始
snapdragon1970 posted:mlawson71 posted:idimitrov posted:
Market is unpredictable during news, so that stay away from the news.
I try to do just that most of the time. And even if I did want to trade news, the spreads on most pair increase to untradeable levels during that time.
Some times it takes time for the spread to adjust,if its some unknown company it can take longer,I've traded stocks where the spread
changed the day after I made a profit.So many financial products they don't keep an eye on everything :)
The spread changed to wider or tighter? On the next day, I mean. I'm asking because recently I read someone's complaints that her spread became wider the day after.
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
May 03, 2016 at 13:08
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
mlawson71 posted:snapdragon1970 posted:mlawson71 posted:idimitrov posted:
Market is unpredictable during news, so that stay away from the news.
I try to do just that most of the time. And even if I did want to trade news, the spreads on most pair increase to untradeable levels during that time.
Some times it takes time for the spread to adjust,if its some unknown company it can take longer,I've traded stocks where the spread
changed the day after I made a profit.So many financial products they don't keep an eye on everything :)
The spread changed to wider or tighter? On the next day, I mean. I'm asking because recently I read someone's complaints that her spread became wider the day after.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
May 04, 2016 at 13:07
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始
It depends on the broker provider and what your trading,if the broker gets it wrong on the risk and you get it right or if it hasn't been noticed because its some unknown stock.There is such a push on the popular names that the focus isn't on the unknown.If we are talking Eur/Usd the spread is very tight because everyone is trading it,even though its negative return,where as eur/mxn has a positive return.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
May 06, 2016 at 09:50
会员从Dec 11, 2015开始
snapdragon1970 posted:
It depends on the broker provider and what your trading,if the broker gets it wrong on the risk and you get it right or if it hasn't been noticed because its some unknown stock.There is such a push on the popular names that the focus isn't on the unknown.If we are talking Eur/Usd the spread is very tight because everyone is trading it,even though its negative return,where as eur/mxn has a positive return.
Ohh, I've always wondered about that, actually. Thank you for explaining it.
Aug 10, 2016 at 06:20
会员从Aug 17, 2015开始
Besides other mentioned, I check this website for forecasts to make profits http://www.dfid.org/forecasts/
They rather often come true you know and I manage to profit from most of my trades
They rather often come true you know and I manage to profit from most of my trades
会员从Jun 29, 2015开始
Aug 10, 2016 at 08:34
会员从May 11, 2011开始
mlawson71 posted:snapdragon1970 posted:
It depends on the broker provider and what your trading,if the broker gets it wrong on the risk and you get it right or if it hasn't been noticed because its some unknown stock.There is such a push on the popular names that the focus isn't on the unknown.If we are talking Eur/Usd the spread is very tight because everyone is trading it,even though its negative return,where as eur/mxn has a positive return.
Ohh, I've always wondered about that, actually. Thank you for explaining it.
Variable spread is adjusted on the following:
Higher than usual liquidity
[like news events. The quotes become "out of price quotes", iow. the price you were quoted is already out of date due to high volatility, by providing a larger spread the margin of quote errors are reduced for the broker.]
Lower than usual liquidity
[The market is flat, like near dead. The broker increases spread to discourage trading on instruments it will find difficult to fill due to low liquidity, hence you will pay a premium to get filled.]
On brokers providing fixed spreads you will encounter more "off quote" errors, as the broker will simply not fill orders on the above extremes.
As to the topic of the thread, I only look at the myfxbook news ticker and calendar to ensure that my account is within margin limits before an event. I do not specifically trade news events.
For every loss there should be at least an equal and opposite profit.
Aug 10, 2016 at 11:42
会员从Jul 15, 2015开始
RANsquawk is a good up to the minute news service provider which both we and institutions are seen using.
Aug 18, 2016 at 10:00
会员从Apr 01, 2016开始
Clert posted:
Besides other mentioned, I check this website for forecasts to make profits http://www.dfid.org/forecasts/
They rather often come true you know and I manage to profit from most of my trades
I also check this http://www.dfid.org/news and also that one http://rankcup.com/news
And of course major economic calendars always come in handy.
Do your best
会员从Jan 30, 2017开始
Mar 07, 2017 at 11:47
会员从Jan 30, 2017开始
In order to remain up to date to major economic releases, economic calendar is the best source. There are various sites available which provide information regarding this. But I personally prefer forex factory, investing and fxstreet. Economic calendars keeps you updated about the major upcoming events and thereby help you in planning your trade.
