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How to trade with the Multi Account Manager
Sep 02, 2015 at 08:47
会员从Aug 14, 2015开始
For long many traders have been asking me about the Multi Account Manager.Multi Account Manager (MAM) is designed for use in the forex as money managers. Practically speaking the Multi Account Manager (MAM) is a very big and important integrated software tool used to execute block orders with just a click under a master account arrangement and then with ease automate trade allocations straight to customer accounts.
MAM could be mistaken for the MetaQuotes Multi-terminal product. On the other hand, PAMM accounts allocate trades on the basis of percentage of total equity, MAM accounts give money managers an added flexibility when sub-allocating the trades which were placed in the master account. When you a professional forex trader keeps multiple account, you will enjoy benefits duly.
This said we understand that the forex market is a dynamic market when you use leverages,you could double your account in every minute; you stand the chance of inflicting loss on your account as well in one minute. A little one mistake could turn your account to “ZERO”. Now when you operate multiple account, it could protect you can from the mistake of having a zero account.
Again there is also a psychological benefit which is the trader wouldn't have to see his losses each time he opens his account.
This said, MAM is ideal for traders that use multiple accounts which are operated with Expert Advisors (EAs). The MAM increases the range of the functions of the MetaTrader 4 Platform by making the Money Manager able to properly trade and handle multiple accounts using just a single MT4 interface.
You could trade all managed accounts from a single MT4 client terminal application. The MAM was made to meet the task of keeping the best reliability and speed of execution. In short, the MAM is well integrated into the MT4 Server.
Now every processing duty is centralized as well as server based. This brings forth the quickest and then the most trusted integration. A lot of accounts ranging into hundreds could be traded with just a click with practically no hitches in allocations. The MAM has the following features and advantages:
It could execute block orders from just one single master account with the aid of the MT4 client terminal.
The number of customer accounts is not limited at all.
You could manage multiple master accounts which have separate strategies.
Most importantly every normal order types is accepted. The list include limit and market orders even the Trailing Stop, Close all and Close by.
The MAM is compatible with Expert Advisor (EA) trading
It could as well with ease manage quarterly, Monthly, and Annual client reports using the MT Manager.
The MAM has the ability to supervise performance and commissions in real time
MAM could be mistaken for the MetaQuotes Multi-terminal product. On the other hand, PAMM accounts allocate trades on the basis of percentage of total equity, MAM accounts give money managers an added flexibility when sub-allocating the trades which were placed in the master account. When you a professional forex trader keeps multiple account, you will enjoy benefits duly.
This said we understand that the forex market is a dynamic market when you use leverages,you could double your account in every minute; you stand the chance of inflicting loss on your account as well in one minute. A little one mistake could turn your account to “ZERO”. Now when you operate multiple account, it could protect you can from the mistake of having a zero account.
Again there is also a psychological benefit which is the trader wouldn't have to see his losses each time he opens his account.
This said, MAM is ideal for traders that use multiple accounts which are operated with Expert Advisors (EAs). The MAM increases the range of the functions of the MetaTrader 4 Platform by making the Money Manager able to properly trade and handle multiple accounts using just a single MT4 interface.
You could trade all managed accounts from a single MT4 client terminal application. The MAM was made to meet the task of keeping the best reliability and speed of execution. In short, the MAM is well integrated into the MT4 Server.
Now every processing duty is centralized as well as server based. This brings forth the quickest and then the most trusted integration. A lot of accounts ranging into hundreds could be traded with just a click with practically no hitches in allocations. The MAM has the following features and advantages:
It could execute block orders from just one single master account with the aid of the MT4 client terminal.
The number of customer accounts is not limited at all.
You could manage multiple master accounts which have separate strategies.
Most importantly every normal order types is accepted. The list include limit and market orders even the Trailing Stop, Close all and Close by.
The MAM is compatible with Expert Advisor (EA) trading
It could as well with ease manage quarterly, Monthly, and Annual client reports using the MT Manager.
The MAM has the ability to supervise performance and commissions in real time
