What is realistic forex return?

Jun 07, 2020 at 13:42
31 Replies
会员从Jun 07, 2020开始   1帖子
Jun 07, 2020 at 13:42 (已编辑 Jun 07, 2020 at 13:42)

I'm interested what the "old" traders can say about this. What do you consider as a realistic trading return per month? I know that it depends on the general trading style, but the question is generally asked. And also what do you consider to be a good/realistic target on monthly basis?
会员从Feb 01, 2016开始   7帖子
Jun 07, 2020 at 16:40
Yes would be most interested in that answer.
会员从Mar 25, 2020开始   3帖子
Jun 08, 2020 at 00:52
Personally I would think that anything between 0.5% and 2% is (generally speaking) a healthy return, especially if this is achieved with a very low/limited drawdown (around 5%) and limited risk of ruin.
会员从Dec 26, 2019开始   21帖子
Jun 09, 2020 at 16:17
It's a complicated question. In fact, to give an adequate answer, we need to know the amount of your deposit. For most traders the amount of 10% is already a great success and a big achievement. Usually nobody gets more than this 10%, so you can try to reach this amount. But if it doesn't work out, don't be upset, because 10% is the goal of a professional broker, and for you it will be just an indicator that you are on the right track.
会员从Feb 08, 2019开始   17帖子
Jun 09, 2020 at 18:34
I always heard that 10%- 20% is like the best to have.
It's crazy that since I implemented my trading strategies ( fairly new) started April of this year my lowest gain is this month ( 50.94% ) and Month is not even halfway done.
Of course, I am super excited but I also hope I can keep it up.

54% for April and 67% for May

If I continue this way I will blow May stats away by the end of June.
Insta-@Greenbandits #TradeLikeaBandit
会员从Jun 08, 2020开始   27帖子
Jun 09, 2020 at 19:15
jivkogeshev posted:

I'm interested what the "old" traders can say about this. What do you consider as a realistic trading return per month? I know that it depends on the general trading style, but the question is generally asked. And also what do you consider to be a good/realistic target on monthly basis?

the difficulty is that most want to obtain big % with a ridiculously small amount of capital and this is a problem that is hard to solve and, unfortunately, with a foreseeable outcome.
会员从Mar 28, 2020开始   1帖子
Jun 09, 2020 at 20:30
Control the emotions and you can get far greater % returns
会员从Aug 15, 2013开始   4帖子
Jun 09, 2020 at 22:04
Very interesting topic to discuss. I think in my opinion its all comes down to sticking to your strategy. As long as your strategy gives you positive results, slowly you can increase your capital and that way you will make more money. Backtesting your strategy is very important. We will all get winning streaks and loosing streaks the question is how many loosing trades in a row can your emotions handle. Most traders cant loose more than 2 to 3 trades in a row before they throw their strategy away. There is no 100% strategy but the point is making money no matter if you loose 9 trades and win 1. At the end of the day if you profitable my 0.1% you are part of the 1% profitable traders out there.
会员从Jun 04, 2020开始   41帖子
Jun 14, 2020 at 14:28
There is no realistic return , you might have or trade with strategy that gives you 5% monthly while I trade and use strategy that gives me far much above that monthly, all that matters is being profitable or earning profits while managing accounts with the minimum risk.
会员从Nov 17, 2012开始   348帖子
Jun 19, 2020 at 11:12
4 times double the account per month ... becoz at the end u must have to lost every thing . so why not make huge profit before lost every thing
skype id millennium.analyst
会员从May 13, 2020开始   119帖子
Jun 20, 2020 at 05:29
Most likely, it is so easy not to understand it.
会员从Jun 08, 2014开始   104帖子
Jun 24, 2020 at 22:35
The realistic number is 10% per year .
Often , the best trade is no trade at all
会员从Oct 23, 2014开始   77帖子
Jun 25, 2020 at 04:20
trading forex i like to think expectations are higher.a lot of us retirement funds making 5-10 % on average.with our
life savings.sharemarket returns 10 15 % year average on index of all equal shares.there are traders here than can do that in few trades.i told someone i was looking between 500-1000 % as a target.only because i was using small accounts and could afford to lose.that was after backtesting some signal providers once and was getting around 30;000 % per year.on their combined picks all with 99% accuracy.of course when i decided to follow with real money i lost because their trades went worse.if you want a return of 20% or less .invest in index funds.with amount of hours learning this art or science ;i think 100% return should be goal per year.
会员从Jun 24, 2020开始   31帖子
Jun 25, 2020 at 07:42
It depends on a trader's strategy and experience in forex trading.
会员从Apr 25, 2020开始   115帖子
Jun 27, 2020 at 03:25
There must, of course, be a correct idea of such a direction.
会员从Mar 31, 2018开始   28帖子
Jun 28, 2020 at 14:37
I am very happy with 30-50% per year with a low-risk approach, that's the aim anyway!... Anything over is a BONUS!...Also, hedge funds are happy with anything over 20% per year.....

But these are all projections, it really depends on what the market gives you & How much you are prepared to risk, also market condition changes all the time so you need to evolve with the market.
会员从Jul 27, 2018开始   2帖子
Jun 28, 2020 at 14:53
1,000,000% easily
会员从May 05, 2020开始   17帖子
Jun 28, 2020 at 16:03
There's no 'realistic return'. I know a trader that make 80-90% per year (but he has a lot of capital and a team of analysts). Also that's not stable number, as I know he has even loss-making periods. And I know traders that make 20-30% per year. That all depends on your skills, strategy and many other things. The okay ROI per month is 2-5%. The good is 7-10%. Everything that's higher is very very good.
会员从Feb 01, 2016开始   7帖子
Jun 28, 2020 at 22:47
Agree totally - no such thing as a "realistic return", am consistently producing 5 to 10% on account balance daily. All depends on hours spent trading. My next question is it possible to automate and produce similar results consistently with less stress and effort? 10 - 29% monthly is very doable. Of course time will always be the ultimate judge of any trading methodology.
会员从Jul 09, 2020开始   32帖子
Jul 23, 2020 at 07:46
forexfiend posted:
1,000,000% easily

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