Looking to pay for simple help

Jan 13, 2017 at 09:27
4 Replies
会员从Jan 05, 2016开始   2帖子
Jan 13, 2017 at 09:27
I'm looking to pay someone just to run some backtests of two EA's for me, each one on four time frames likely. And then to help me properly import and enable them on my MT4. This project could become a little larger and I may need programming at some point. But at this point I need anyone with some MT4 functunality to help. I could be wrong, but I don't think this will take much time for someone who knows what their doing.

If you want to bid an amount to do this before then be my guest.
会员从Jun 07, 2015开始   92帖子
Jan 13, 2017 at 23:39
I have two year experience now using mt4. I have been programming for over a decade, and have been using mql4 for the past two years.

Curious, why are you unable to run the tests yourself?
Are these by tick tests, or at candle opening?
How much data in the testing ( a couple months, a couple years, depending on the time frame???) ?

Help me understand exactly what you need right now, and I can give you a honest bid
Everything in the market is like a fart, if you have to force it, it is probably shit
会员从Jan 05, 2016开始   2帖子
Jan 15, 2017 at 08:14
I am very ignorant and very helpless person my brain get scrambled when I play with trading platforms you may consider me handicapped and disabled. I'm not sure what kind of data rather it be tech or open close of a bar as far as back testing I'd like to think of doing it on a years worth maybe less. Let's say I ask you to do three hours worth of work that includes back testing, making sure the EA's are working properly, which could include messing with the line of code or two. How much it is three hours worth to start? I'm sure there's some mess ups and my English because I'm dictating through my phone
会员从Jun 07, 2015开始   92帖子
Jan 17, 2017 at 16:22
Do you have the EA finished already?

I would have to charge at least 25$ USD per hour, and I will sign a NDA and if I like the strategy, I will do it for 15$ USD per hour if I can use the finished EA for my own.
Everything in the market is like a fart, if you have to force it, it is probably shit
会员从Jan 03, 2017开始   29帖子
Jan 18, 2017 at 12:07
I've 99.9% modelled quality tick data, you can pm me about this project
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