Parameter "spread" in Strategy Tester

May 18, 2016 at 18:31
2 Replies
会员从Apr 07, 2016开始   37帖子
May 18, 2016 at 18:31

Two simples questions:
#1 I'd like to know if the spread in Strategy Tester is measured in PIPs or Pipets or another unit.
#2 What means exactly a option "current" in spread???

会员从Dec 21, 2010开始   127帖子
May 20, 2016 at 00:37
1. Spread in Tester is multiplier for value of _Point
Bid is read from History . Ask is calculated as Bid+Spread*Point

2. When selected Current,
both value, Ask and Bid are read form real chart
(Symbol must be listed in the "Market Watch" window)
Keep in mind that Ask and Bid are
... so this value are read with ONLY !
会员从Nov 14, 2015开始   315帖子
May 20, 2016 at 09:30
2. Current is the current spread. If it is 2 point in EURUSD right now, it will be equal to 2 in the test.
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