Cent account 投票结果



Cent account 讨论

Aug 05, 2014 at 00:45
25 Replies
会员从Apr 02, 2021开始   1帖子
Apr 02, 2021 at 17:52
Hello.Anyone trading in the forex market?I can help.I would be glad to cooperate.
会员从May 25, 2021开始   4帖子
Jun 11, 2021 at 07:58
Hi. Programmatical solution: Maybe Also display in USD or make the standard denomination in USD?
会员从Dec 21, 2022开始   1帖子
Jan 29, 2023 at 14:53
Any news about the support of cent accounts? How can I tell that's some of my account are in USD cent?
会员从Feb 04, 2023开始   5帖子
Feb 04, 2023 at 21:34 (已编辑 Feb 04, 2023 at 21:34)
Why is a problem if someone have cent accounts? If it profitable you can copy it on your non cent account and earn money.
会员从Feb 22, 2021开始   1帖子
Feb 21, 2023 at 12:22
martinica posted:
Why is a problem if someone have cent accounts? If it profitable you can copy it on your non cent account and earn money.

It's to know the actual risk the main account was involved.

just for example.
Imagine account run with only $100 on cent which make it appear as $10,000
With subscripted fee of $10 per month, after 10 people followed, he got zero risk even he make whole account lost.
While if it's actual $10,000, he will need larger amount of follower in order to trade risk free.

Of course, good trader should not increase risk base on such factor and should aim for long term profit.
But it's not always the case.
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