Contest for real accounts yet?投票结果



Contest for real accounts yet?讨论

Aug 23, 2010 at 21:28
6 Replies
会员从Sep 09, 2009开始   5帖子
Aug 23, 2010 at 21:28
Just wondering when you guys are going to sponsor a REAL account trading contest. We need to see what 'real' traders do with real money.
会员从Jul 31, 2009开始   1418帖子
Aug 24, 2010 at 12:02
Well, it depends on our members - if there is a substantial amount of traders willing to compete with real trading accounts, we will definitely have it.
会员从Sep 09, 2009开始   5帖子
Sep 08, 2010 at 01:39
What kind of 'interest' are you looking for?. Initially I suggested this when you were about to start your demo contest and there were quite a bit of people rooting for the live contest idea. If you do it, people will join.

会员从Sep 17, 2009开始   1帖子
Sep 08, 2010 at 01:53
hey staff.... could you give us a rough idea, subject to change of course, of "substanial amount"..... thanks.....h
会员从Sep 09, 2009开始   5帖子
Sep 09, 2010 at 23:28
Hey staff you convinced yet?
会员从Jul 31, 2009开始   1418帖子
Sep 10, 2010 at 19:04
Well, we're working on finding a sponsor for the real money trading contest - we'll update you on any changes.
会员从May 01, 2010开始   271帖子
Sep 18, 2010 at 04:05
How about an Ante up fee....

Everyone who wants to join the contest chips in 50.00....

50% to winner, 35% to 2nd place, 20% to 3rd and 5% to for handling it...

Get committments first to show the interest level and projected prize, then set a minimum from fallout and then you don't need a sponsor.

I realize in the world of 'no risk, I will trade only your account, your money or demo only please..' that this may not work...

I would be up for the fun. :) Beats buying an EA that doesn't work or only works with current market conditions from some fuzzy haired programmer who thinks he created baby jesus... 😇😀
Be Open, honest and ethical and all the $$$ you want will come. (hint hint)
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