Settings to switch to NIGHT MODE投票结果
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Settings to switch to NIGHT MODE讨论
会员从Jan 09, 2020开始
会员从Jul 18, 2020开始
Jun 02, 2022 at 20:40
会员从Jul 18, 2020开始
still waiting.
Guys u really need prioritize this. Just change color scheme. UI-UX team and dev team can do that in a week to not say 2 or 3 days.. Please guys this make a really big difference for me. Since a start use "dark mode" i notice a huge difference in my eyes. I can spend more hours with less effort.
Can you guys do it?
Best Regards,
Guys u really need prioritize this. Just change color scheme. UI-UX team and dev team can do that in a week to not say 2 or 3 days.. Please guys this make a really big difference for me. Since a start use "dark mode" i notice a huge difference in my eyes. I can spend more hours with less effort.
Can you guys do it?
Best Regards,
会员从Feb 19, 2023开始
会员从Feb 19, 2023开始
会员从Jul 17, 2023开始
会员从Jan 23, 2023开始
Jul 29, 2023 at 00:38
会员从Jul 29, 2023开始
Hola porfavor... Tengo problemas severos en la vista, mi visión es demasiado sensible a la claridad además de me crean bolsas debajo de los ojos y mucha ojeras
Estaría agradecido infinitamente si habilitaran el modo oscuro para los débiles visuales por favor 😭
Estaría agradecido infinitamente si habilitaran el modo oscuro para los débiles visuales por favor 😭
会员从May 26, 2023开始
会员从May 19, 2023开始
Aug 06, 2023 at 15:33
会员从May 19, 2023开始
It is easy to do on Google Chrome not perfect, but for me is okay. See screenshot
Enter "chrome://flags" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode.
Enter "chrome://flags" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode.
会员从Mar 13, 2023开始
会员从Apr 15, 2024开始
