BBK Trading (Mt4-9960052) (由 gzamir)
收益 : | +1260.07% |
缩减 | 61.10% |
点: | 313.1 |
交易 | 468 |
赢得: |
损失:。 |
类型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:500 |
交易: | 自动的 |
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BBK Trading (Mt4-9960052)讨论
会员从Apr 13, 2017开始
Sep 18, 2017 at 06:24
会员从Aug 07, 2017开始
i developed the expert in Mt4 environment
the strategy i used is based on hedge strategy but i call it trap the market strategy . because the market can not escape once it starts trading. if the market moved it will fall in trap.
the strategy i used is based on hedge strategy but i call it trap the market strategy . because the market can not escape once it starts trading. if the market moved it will fall in trap.
when there is a will there is a way