Contest - adrian1v2000 (由 adrian1v2000)
收益 : | -99.83% |
缩减 | 99.98% |
点: | -309.5 |
交易 | 100 |
赢得: |
损失:。 |
类型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | - |
交易: | 未知 |
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Contest - adrian1v2000讨论
会员从Apr 05, 2011开始
会员从Sep 20, 2009开始
Sep 07, 2011 at 14:31
会员从Jan 24, 2010开始
What kind of system are you guys using to make 300+ percent in just a few days? I don't care about the contest I just want to replace lost income for myself and family. If you want to point me to help or send me something directly instead of here you can send to [email protected] and would be much appreciated.
The World's Currency Market is Our Oyster.
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Sep 07, 2011 at 14:37
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Omg.... Its hilarious how many freeloaders there are on this website.... Teach yourself how to trade or PAY for it if people are offering... just as much risk in paying for something that doesnt help you than put it into the market not knowing a thing.
"Taking responsibility is the cornerstone to a winning attitude"
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Sep 07, 2011 at 15:50
会员从Jan 24, 2010开始
Dominic. First of all, it's none of your business. Second, I asked to be pointed to something to learn (if you had read the original post you would have seen that). So relax. If we can't learn off each other than what are we doing here? I have a few tricks up my sleeve and willing to share.
The World's Currency Market is Our Oyster.
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Sep 07, 2011 at 15:59
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
You`re right. Its just a little humorous how we`re all trying to find "the edge" and he may well have it. Think about it... why would you give away your "secrets" if you`ve put in the leg work to other people who have not.
You have not asked for guidance or how he fundamentally/technically trades.... You`re asking him to tell you everything via email.... just highly unlikely and ridiculous if you`ve been trading for 5+ years....
Even more so, pleading for help because you want to restore income for yourself and your family is even more silly.
You have not asked for guidance or how he fundamentally/technically trades.... You`re asking him to tell you everything via email.... just highly unlikely and ridiculous if you`ve been trading for 5+ years....
Even more so, pleading for help because you want to restore income for yourself and your family is even more silly.
"Taking responsibility is the cornerstone to a winning attitude"
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
会员从Jul 13, 2010开始
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
Sep 08, 2011 at 13:32
(已编辑 Sep 08, 2011 at 13:33)
会员从May 10, 2010开始
ShawnSignals posted:
Do you want to sell your trade signals? i already have a site setup that can send your signals to a subscriber base. You can charge them a monthly fee to receive your trade calls. pm me if you want to chat.
only idiots would subscribe to something with floating DD up to 65%...
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始
会员从Apr 07, 2011开始