FBS_Zvmey_FxMestut (由 mahzumi)
收益 : | +1140.47% |
缩减 | 79.97% |
点: | 110.0 |
交易 | 12 |
赢得: |
损失:。 |
类型: | 真实 |
杠杆率: | 1:500 |
交易: | 手动 |
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Jul 13, 2013 at 09:35
会员从Jun 14, 2012开始
I am very much interested. Plz. tell something about your system. Mail- [email protected]
Jul 15, 2013 at 06:05
会员从Oct 10, 2012开始
mahzumi posted:AminezFxS posted:
Your system is perfect...!! 😇
and I know it😎
and I also know that you really can make things so
...uptrend time.. YUHuu,,,w
ay like it brother,, :*
bakaran yuhhh,,
kuwe nduwurmu ana klienmu.. gkgkkk..
😂ayuh.. ws bisa go tuku pitik haghags..
wis WD tok WMZ apa jum.?