GO - Trend, MDP, SW (由 berglh)

收益 : -47.68%
缩减 64.28%
点: -1014.1
交易 280
类型: 真实
杠杆率: 1:500
交易: 未知

GO - Trend, MDP, SW讨论

Oct 25, 2011 at 00:23
3 Replies
会员从Jul 03, 2011开始   13帖子
Jan 21, 2012 at 07:04
[2012-01-21] After starting my highly optimized high-risk Trend strategy at the worst possible time in the last 6 months, it alas has survived to fight yet another day. I could not trust myself to trade this well. I look forward to re-optimizing this strategy for the last 6 months of history and focusing on optimizing the exit strategies with the assistance of some friends, lets see what the next 3 months brings with hopefully some more favourable conditions and more frequent trading.
Forex is the type of race that a tortoise would win.
会员从Sep 29, 2010开始   178帖子
Jan 24, 2012 at 15:45
what risk is this? 5%?
Get Rich or Die Trying
会员从Jul 03, 2011开始   13帖子
Feb 15, 2012 at 13:56
I missed three recovery trades while I had problems with my MT4 platform, bit of a blow to the recovery of the account in these volatile times! Have now added MDP and my own manual trading into the mix, it won't be long before I lose the whole account! 😝 Risk - 24% - No, I'm not kidding.
Forex is the type of race that a tortoise would win.
会员从Jul 03, 2011开始   13帖子
Apr 12, 2012 at 11:35
[2012-04-12] In collaboration with a Forex friend, I have now made some major changes to the exit strategy of this EA. I have also changed it Trend OSOB 2.0b. It now uses the stop loss to break even setting and a secret modification. Should be able to reduce the overall draw-down and capture some more pips than my previous average.
Forex is the type of race that a tortoise would win.
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