GPS Robot FxChoice 100k (由 ForexMark)

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GPS Robot FxChoice 100k讨论

Oct 01, 2012 at 08:52
618 Replies
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 18, 2018 at 10:59
sagen520 posted:
is that possible for me to stop the 7 times reverse order function personally? I want to accept that lose and run the next round only. I dont need to take the risk of martingale.

sagen520 posted:
Im a new buyer of GPS robot. May I ask for the parameters that are same with GPS Robot FxChoice 100k? also I want the parameters declaimed earn 30%/month.

Does GPS robot EA allow buyers to do the backtest? I try, but it doesnt occur any trade signal on the backtest. need aids

Hello John,

Sorry for the late reply. I'm in a trip now.

Concerning Martingale and risks you can check my message which I posted above:

Concerning reverse trade and your words about reverse trade. In our case as you already know Increasing lotsize value will be only one time and not more. Moreover there are no any local martingale.

It can be shown that the quadratic variation [M] of a general local martingale M is the unique right-continuous and increasing process starting at zero, with jumps ?[M] = ?M2, and such that M2 ? [M] is a local martingale.

So two values it's not a completely row.

Moreover you talking about something can happen. If will be open reverse trade and after that market will go in opposite direction, so in this case GPS Robot will make analyses of the current situation and will take correct decision about current trade. It contains a lot of filter and indicators along with trading pool decisions, and it will not working on the backtests only with real market and with real ticks on the chart. If we couldn\'t use this system so in this case we just couldn't get such results:

As you can see already during few years GPS Robot generate profit and show stable trading. We have huge number of clients who really happy with us already during this time, some of them already have 800% of clear profit and they makes withdrawals a lot of times and long time ago already covered their first deposits which they invested in trading with GPS Robot.

We really recommend you JUST TRY IT.

But in any case, yes, sure! We made GPS Robot very flexible so any user can adapt it to his trading style and you can also disable or enable rt without any problems. Concerning parameters and other detailed things please send message to our support or send me your email address in pm and I will redirect it. Thanks.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 18, 2018 at 11:46
veried posted:
Just one more message


First of all this questions were explained above and not one time.

It seems that you are completely not understand the essence of the strategy. In a few words robot generates huge number of profitable trades with average win in almost 6 pips concretely for this account and it's only on EURUSD pair. Loss trade happens very rarely because should be strong downward trend for example because of some news. Last strong downward trend on this account was 50 profitable trades ago. So in average robot generated near 300 pips and got only one loss in near 80-90 pips. Even without recovery trade it's still profitable and stable. Moreover we have accounts and users since 2009 who still use GPS Robot for their trading and they make withdrawals every one - two months. Betatesters even early. It's almost 10 years and like a professional with more than 20 years of trading experience I can tell you that we can't talking about luck here.

Moreover you trying to say something about system only by using one single statement on which we have agreements with investors and we can't control it on 100%. After reaching of some profits values were discussed to decrease number of trades and generate with big deposit big profits but with few trades. So because of that GPS Robot generates big profits but only with several trades on this account. To check other accounts with other small and big deposits please check our website:

Concerning your thoughts about me and my pants, please don't tell me such things because it's just insults. In the future I recommend you not talking in this way with users because it's just impolite and you can be just banned on myfxbook.

What about trade which you checked. I completely not understand why you talking about value here. You show 100k but it was near 97k moreover current deposit was almost 500k. So if you will have bigger deposit it will be more or less with smaller deposit. It's incorrect to compare value here it should be % always. You just try to stretch it.

Concerning your other questions check my previous post.

So now I hope you understand the essence. But if be honest with you I don't want to fight or to do something to change your mind. Moreover I see that you posted your two messages few days ago and only about GPS Robot while your registration was at 2013. Hope you are not just scammer and we not waste time here.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Oct 10, 2010开始   28帖子
Sep 20, 2018 at 09:57
Can you tell me why it does not allow it to be back tested I am looking to see what the bets Time Frame is and whether to use the TSL or not.

会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 20, 2018 at 13:18
Hello Greg,

My apologize, I'm in a trip now but in a few words we made big backtests and you can find it on our website. Currently we use trading pool for analyzes. We decide to open some trades or not during some political news, instability on the market and many other market things. Please contact support for the detailes. Thanks.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Mar 04, 2010开始   23帖子
Sep 21, 2018 at 06:56
Hello Mark.
I used your system long enough and currently I totally glad to use it. I have the profit and even made two withdrawals. My deposit was not so big and I decided to have one more account with gps. Today I get back the money from my relatives and I think to put it to my another broker account. It will be almost 5 thousands. Can I get one more license of gps for one more account? Maybe you have some bonuses for buying two and more licenses or if I will advise the gps to my friend and he will buy the license too? I just asking, nothing more) Thank you Mark for your work. Good stuff!
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 21, 2018 at 13:50
RyanSchultz posted:
Hello Mark.
I used your system long enough and currently I totally glad to use it. I have the profit and even made two withdrawals. My deposit was not so big and I decided to have one more account with gps. Today I get back the money from my relatives and I think to put it to my another broker account. It will be almost 5 thousands. Can I get one more license of gps for one more account? Maybe you have some bonuses for buying two and more licenses or if I will advise the gps to my friend and he will buy the license too? I just asking, nothing more) Thank you Mark for your work. Good stuff!

Hello Ryan,

Thank you for your kind words! We appreciate. During last years we did huge work to provide much more stable and profitable results.

Yes, sure. We have users with 5 - 7 and even 10 - 12 licenses. So you can purchase one more without any problems. Currently we have bonus system for users who purchase more than one license. To get detailed information about all current bonus suggestions please contact our support: [email protected]. Or you can send me your email address in pm and I will redirect your question.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Jan 03, 2018开始   150帖子
Sep 23, 2018 at 06:50
RyanSchultz posted:
Hello Mark.
I used your system long enough and currently I totally glad to use it. I have the profit and even made two withdrawals. My deposit was not so big and I decided to have one more account with gps. Today I get back the money from my relatives and I think to put it to my another broker account. It will be almost 5 thousands. Can I get one more license of gps for one more account? Maybe you have some bonuses for buying two and more licenses or if I will advise the gps to my friend and he will buy the license too? I just asking, nothing more) Thank you Mark for your work. Good stuff!

would like to see your results ,would you mind to lost your myfxbook resuts here
会员从Mar 20, 2017开始   3帖子
Sep 23, 2018 at 06:57
Hi, I`m reading all coments, meantime I want ask if is Myfxbook of another broker? (Broker with FCA regulation)

会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 24, 2018 at 14:15
javierpardo posted:
Hi, I`m reading all coments, meantime I want ask if is Myfxbook of another broker? (Broker with FCA regulation)



You say that you reading all comments but this question was answered not one time. :)

Here one of the answers:

We fixed our profits and closed several accounts with many other brokerages like FXCM, FXDD (while they not closed it), Alpari UK and others. Moreover during our profitability tests we used more than 30 different brokerages. Users who were with us from the beginning can confirm it and all these accounts also were fully verified and closed in profits. One of them was with IamFX brokerage with $250 deposit and here it's results since 2010:
Deposit/Withdrawal: 250.00
Closed Trade P/L: 3 497.32
Balance: 3 747.32

In April 2017 IamFX broker was closed and we closed this account and made withdrawal. It was sad because statistic was really impressive and GPS Robot generated almost 1500% during 7 years, 215% during one year and 18% monthly in average. By the way, during last month GPS Robot generated on this account almost 12% of clear profit only on EURUSD pair. Additionally we have huge number of happy users who made numerous withdrawals during all this time. This is the most important thing for us.

GPS Robot not has any limitations for leverage value or some other regulations so you can use it with any mt4 broker which you prefer.

Best regards,

GPS Robot
会员从Sep 06, 2018开始   1帖子
Sep 25, 2018 at 07:43
Have bought GPS Forex Bot but are not confident...

Does not trade for 24 hours, is this normal?

I am using AXI Trader, is this the problem?

Greets and hope for help...
Dance To The Beat Of Life, With The Spirit Of Youth.
会员从Mar 20, 2017开始   3帖子
Sep 25, 2018 at 07:53
Thank you very much,

Is the Myfxbook of this brokers avaliables?

会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 25, 2018 at 17:36
corvuscorax posted:
Have bought GPS Forex Bot but are not confident...

Does not trade for 24 hours, is this normal?

I am using AXI Trader, is this the problem?

Greets and hope for help...


Please provide me in pm your email address. I will redirect your question to support. We should know how long you use robot and what trading conditions you have. In 90% cases all works normally right away but sometimes can be some small issues but in any case all of them will be solved fast.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 25, 2018 at 17:38
javierpardo posted:
Thank you very much,

Is the Myfxbook of this brokers avaliables?


You are very welcome!

All of mentioned accounts were verified here and old users can confirm it. We also have sent big emails with results and verification links but currently we use FxChoice like our main brokerage after our tests.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Jul 11, 2017开始   11帖子
Sep 26, 2018 at 07:51
May I know how you manage the slippage? Since you trade in large lots each transaction.
会员从Mar 06, 2015开始   21帖子
Sep 26, 2018 at 08:16
the EA can run on any broker? i use IC market.. any one has the EA run on ICmarket can share the result ?
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 26, 2018 at 17:44
sagen520 posted:
May I know how you manage the slippage? Since you trade in large lots each transaction.


Please contact support for the details. But in few words we have setting for slippage so you can manage and set it like you prefer for your convenience.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Sep 26, 2018 at 17:45
oanda88 posted:
the EA can run on any broker? i use IC market.. any one has the EA run on ICmarket can share the result ?


You can use any MT4 brokerage which you prefer. GPS Robot not has any limitations. We just have recommended broker.

Best regards,
GPS Robot
会员从Jul 11, 2017开始   11帖子
Oct 02, 2018 at 07:16
I already have one license. Now I want to buy two more license for my families. Can I get the discount?
会员从Jun 30, 2011开始   53帖子
Oct 02, 2018 at 22:05
For example.. Now i have a buy position opened yesterday. I'm not able to see this trade on your accounts...this is why i said that the trades are differents and it is not possible have a real benchmark.. Moreover bt are not possible
会员从Dec 24, 2010开始   234帖子
Oct 03, 2018 at 16:03
sagen520 posted:
I already have one license. Now I want to buy two more license for my families. Can I get the discount?

Hello John,

Yes, sure! Please send in PM your email address and I will redirect your question to support. They will provide you detailed information.

Thank you!

Best regards,
GPS Robot
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