I Kill You Later 2 - Upgraded (Beta Test) (由 ForexSeeker)
收益 : | +678.92% |
缩减 | 55.06% |
点: | 4082.3 |
交易 | 4350 |
赢得: |
损失:。 |
类型: | 演示 |
杠杆率: | 1:500 |
交易: | 自动的 |
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I Kill You Later 2 - Upgraded (Beta Test)讨论
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Apr 26, 2010 at 13:43
(已编辑 Apr 26, 2010 at 14:06)
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Summary I Kill You Later 2 performance :
Using Hit & Run strategy - Restart Account with 500 USD every month
Oct'09 (207.50%),
Nov'09 (-62.18%),
Total 6 m 448.08% = 2240.40 USD
Average net profit per m 373.40 USD
Capital required 500 USD, Average ROI per m 74.68%.
April start record in myFXbook.
April will be left 52.06 USD if no upgrade to kill bill 5. -89.58%
9 April'10 Upgrade to Kill Bill 5 and no suffer great damage.
May will add a 3rd party EA to protect the balance make sure it only lose max. 500 USD per month.
Using Hit & Run strategy - Restart Account with 500 USD every month
Oct'09 (207.50%),
Nov'09 (-62.18%),
Total 6 m 448.08% = 2240.40 USD
Average net profit per m 373.40 USD
Capital required 500 USD, Average ROI per m 74.68%.
April start record in myFXbook.
April will be left 52.06 USD if no upgrade to kill bill 5. -89.58%
9 April'10 Upgrade to Kill Bill 5 and no suffer great damage.
May will add a 3rd party EA to protect the balance make sure it only lose max. 500 USD per month.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
May 06, 2010 at 18:00
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
29Aprl'10 (63.40%) ROI. Balance: 817.03
Average ROI of 7 m 69.04%.
6May'10 : (146.88%) ROI. Balance: 1488.96.
Even with same broker, the ROI of same EA will be trigger differently. As it open order on the stochastic cross window, and this crossing over is quite sensitive which not every account will trigger the same price action. Thus result some big different when using martingale lot fast scalping.
Other factor will be the internet speed and the server PC power.
As I using 3 VPS.
VPS(A) : 12 platform
VPS(B) : 8 platform
VPS(C) : 9 platform
29 Demo has been testing, as do have problem of platform crash and slow reaction. Well this will stimulate to live situation where you do have problem of market re-quote and heavy traffic.
Average ROI of 7 m 69.04%.
6May'10 : (146.88%) ROI. Balance: 1488.96.
Even with same broker, the ROI of same EA will be trigger differently. As it open order on the stochastic cross window, and this crossing over is quite sensitive which not every account will trigger the same price action. Thus result some big different when using martingale lot fast scalping.
Other factor will be the internet speed and the server PC power.
As I using 3 VPS.
VPS(A) : 12 platform
VPS(B) : 8 platform
VPS(C) : 9 platform
29 Demo has been testing, as do have problem of platform crash and slow reaction. Well this will stimulate to live situation where you do have problem of market re-quote and heavy traffic.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
May 07, 2010 at 07:30
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
7May'10 : (196.88%) ROI, Balance : $1739.03, Net profit :$984.46
Reason of the extra gain is the UsdJpy pair suddenly spike down and trigger 30 pip TP.
And the logic open keep on trigger for UsdJpy for some moment.
Equity Guard has been set to protect $1239 , if this equity reach all trade will close and EA will disable.
Reason of the extra gain is the UsdJpy pair suddenly spike down and trigger 30 pip TP.
And the logic open keep on trigger for UsdJpy for some moment.
Equity Guard has been set to protect $1239 , if this equity reach all trade will close and EA will disable.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
May 18, 2010 at 02:54
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
After find out some old tick, I deleted the history data folder.
18May 04:41 - Platform just restart this morning as crash by itself last night.
Save by the crash, if not it will have damage $174.03.
ROI 17May - (293.02% )
18May 04:41 - Platform just restart this morning as crash by itself last night.
Save by the crash, if not it will have damage $174.03.
ROI 17May - (293.02% )
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Jun 24, 2010 at 16:37
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Having some trade after few minute restart platform.
While the Alpha Test and NZ2 platform no have any trade, and when I check Journal, both having old tick problem.
So will this trigger bring damage or profit ? I think probably damage. So is the other KB5 save by the old tick ?
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Aug 17, 2010 at 00:59
(已编辑 Aug 17, 2010 at 01:00)
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
17Aug'10 : No update 2 hours,
Believe to be half way crash when closing the trade of UsdJpy and EurUsd. UsdJpy left 5 trade unclose, EurUsd 1 trade unclose.
https://www.myfxbook.com/files/ForexSeeker/17Aug'10.HalfwayCrash.jpg" class="img-responsive dont-change-dark" loading="lazy">
Believe to be half way crash when closing the trade of UsdJpy and EurUsd. UsdJpy left 5 trade unclose, EurUsd 1 trade unclose.
https://www.myfxbook.com/files/ForexSeeker/17Aug'10.HalfwayCrash.jpg" class="img-responsive dont-change-dark" loading="lazy">
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Aug 18, 2010 at 12:32
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
18 Aug'10 : Crash many time in server
Only this account got trigger on GbpUsd, while other no trigger, except Real account Alpari NZ-SF trigger 1 trade on UsdJpy.
The GbpUsd give around 25 pips over and cover up yesterday no update 5 hours losses. And the trigger is very sensitive that trigger GbpUsd 2 times.
Only this account got trigger on GbpUsd, while other no trigger, except Real account Alpari NZ-SF trigger 1 trade on UsdJpy.
The GbpUsd give around 25 pips over and cover up yesterday no update 5 hours losses. And the trigger is very sensitive that trigger GbpUsd 2 times.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Aug 31, 2010 at 15:16
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
31 Aug'10 :
Found that a glitch happened that after it hit Stop Loss; it keep on open trade. Has to close the platform, delete history bar and restart again. Probably cause by another EA which I newly setup on another Alpari Platform? No idea, which the new EA only trade on UsdChf, can another EA from other platform affected memory calculation ? No idea.
Setting new Equity Protect to stop all EA at $1870.
Found that a glitch happened that after it hit Stop Loss; it keep on open trade. Has to close the platform, delete history bar and restart again. Probably cause by another EA which I newly setup on another Alpari Platform? No idea, which the new EA only trade on UsdChf, can another EA from other platform affected memory calculation ? No idea.
Setting new Equity Protect to stop all EA at $1870.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Oct 07, 2010 at 13:16
(已编辑 Oct 07, 2010 at 13:17)
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
7 Oct'10 : Upgrade new version of Kill Bill 5 that auto detect 4/5 digit platform. More flexible on controlling max trade and power of martingale power. Also self recode the EA to do reverse signal, but not integrated, need to save another profile and attach the reverse EA.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Nov 02, 2010 at 03:11
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Nov'10 :
The ROI of this setting suppose to be half of Alpha setting. But instead the Beta has 48.17% whila Alpha has only 44.29%.
The reason is the Beta platform has crash a few times and I manually restarted the platform again.
The ROI of this setting suppose to be half of Alpha setting. But instead the Beta has 48.17% whila Alpha has only 44.29%.
The reason is the Beta platform has crash a few times and I manually restarted the platform again.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Nov 04, 2010 at 13:24
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
4 Nov'10 : Extreme lucky on the 4th Days, already 95%. So by default investor has to stop and wait for next month.
But looking at last month result :
Still have a little bit to catch up to break even.
But looking at last month result :
Still have a little bit to catch up to break even.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
Dec 07, 2010 at 18:46
(已编辑 Dec 07, 2010 at 18:50)
会员从Apr 20, 2010开始
8 Dec'10 : The 5th Days, earn $448.85, 89.77%. GbpUsd trigger 13 trade compare to Alpha Demo only 1 trade.
https://www.myfxbook.com/files/ForexSeeker/AnalyzeKB5Nov'10.jpg" class="img-responsive dont-change-dark" loading="lazy">
Well the 4th Day didn't get out and it drop back to 64.55%.
End of the month, it just bring back to the same position with less gain.
https://www.myfxbook.com/files/ForexSeeker/AnalyzeKB5Nov'10.jpg" class="img-responsive dont-change-dark" loading="lazy">
Well the 4th Day didn't get out and it drop back to 64.55%.
End of the month, it just bring back to the same position with less gain.
Information is Gold when come to organised.