IC MARKETS REAL 313166 (由 BluePanther)



Nov 26, 2013 at 17:03
112 Replies
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 27, 2014 at 09:09 (已编辑 Jan 27, 2014 at 09:18)
Well, 0 or what it is (a gain or loss). It is strange that my broker allowed my account below $0. It is stranger that a dollar LOSS on my account is considered a GAIN on myfxbook, and a dollar GAIN is considered a LOSS.

Just saying this is not correct and should be fixed. As a general member I am in no position to know how to fix this, but I might suggest perhaps displaying 0 or reversing the % gains/losses to their opposite might be some ideas for you to consider.
"If you have a balance of -$10 and close a trade for $2, what is the generated profit percentage wise?"
Definitely not a loss! As the balance is inverted into the negative, so too should the gains / losses be INVERTED to their opposite (better than just displaying 0).

Therefore, $2/-$10 = -0.2 (or negative 20%). In fact, that is a positive gain, so therefore it would be a PROFIT of 20% (not a loss).

...but maybe that is just me (I'm sure no one else has to deal with a negative broker balance). 99% of traders are successful - 1% (including me) are not. 😞
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 28, 2014 at 00:12 (已编辑 Jan 28, 2014 at 00:16)

1. 200 open trades (UNCHANGEABLE)
2. 2 EAs for now: GPS (@5%) and FXPL (@0.01 lots per $10,000)

3. When account reaches $10,000:

a) 200 open trades (UNCHANGEABLE)
b) 3 EAs: GPS (@5%) and FXPL (@0.01 lots per $10,000) - add Paul Garcia (@0.01 lots per $10,000 per pair)

4. When account reaches $100,000:

a) 200 open trades (UNCHANGEABLE)
b) 4 EAs: GPS (@5%), FXPL (@0.01 lots per $10,000), Paul Garcia (@0.01 lots per $10,000 per pair) - add Golden Future

Golden Future rules:
i) XAUUSD only, to begin with.
ii) @0.01 lots per $100,000 per pair
iii) RSI 'ON' for all pairs (setting='6')
iv) 6. Keep 'optimised' grid (10, 5, 10, 8), with no max loss.

...aiming for 2% daily profits, and still contributing a minimum of $2000 per fortnight.

5. When account reaches $500,000 (?):
-add Forex Hacked Pro with presets

Well, that's my plan (for now)! 😎 We shall see...
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 29, 2014 at 23:38 (已编辑 Jan 29, 2014 at 23:45)
...made $20,000 deposits EXACTLY! This way it will be easier to keep track of my $2000 per fortnight contribution.

It's a big hole, but I'll make it out... just a matter of when (not if). 😎

It's a big hole, but it is NOTHING compared to the hundreds of $1,000s I've lost since 2008 in forex (and probably as much elsewhere on stupid seminars and bad investments). 😞
会员从Jun 28, 2013开始   842帖子
Jan 30, 2014 at 07:04
Good luck mate, just don'u use too much risk. The markets are becoming very volatile and it's going to be a tough year for risky traders. It is much easier to beat the market by focusing on DD rather than profits IMHO.

Ardit H.
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 30, 2014 at 07:38 (已编辑 Jan 30, 2014 at 07:39)
ahuruglica posted:
Good luck mate, just don'u use too much risk. The markets are becoming very volatile and it's going to be a tough year for risky traders. It is much easier to beat the market by focusing on DD rather than profits IMHO. Regards, Ardit H.

Volatility - I LOVE IT!!! 😉😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


Tempted to try FXPL @0.01 lots per $1000... should I?
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 30, 2014 at 14:32 (已编辑 Jan 30, 2014 at 14:36)
...adding EURUSDbot and Paul Garcia. BOSS later...

...on second thought - scrap that. I'm using FXPL 0.01 per $1000 (0.02 now with $2000). I guess that is okay. 😕
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 30, 2014 at 18:28 (已编辑 Jan 30, 2014 at 18:29)
BluePanther posted:
...adding EURUSDbot and Paul Garcia. BOSS later...

...on second thought - scrap that. I'm using FXPL 0.01 per $1000 (0.02 now with $2000). I guess that is okay. 😕

Whoever said auto-trading is easy? Manual trading is hard because you need to follow a system - auto-trading is hard because you need to keep settings (and strategy) consistent. I lose money because I can't make up my mind. 😞

I think FXPL will remain at 0.01 lots because it is martingale x1.5. Therefore, I will add the other two EAs. I think that is safer (less gains = less risk).
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 31, 2014 at 02:22 (已编辑 Jan 31, 2014 at 02:32)
Stuff it! I'm putting the whole gammut of EAs on because I am sick of watching the snail's pace of profit (I am impatient, and I guess this is why I keep losing). Forex moves too much and I can't believe there is NOT ONE EA that has managed to take advantage of the volatility of the market (at least none available publicly).

Friggin' makes me frustrated! So I'm using all my EAs - except Golden Future, which will MOST DEFINITELY require much larger margin in the order of $100,000. I think the others I can get away with minimal margin as they open fewer trades.

Absolutely f*cking hate the fact I got scammed of that $120,000 that I could have used in MY accounts - all because I thought "I will lose this money in my forex account, other people are SMARTER (yeah...) than I, so I will invest it there instead". I need the f*cking margin God damn it! 😡

Makes me so f*cking sick! Cheating brokers and cheating asshole individuals... I hope karma will give them what they deserve.
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Jan 31, 2014 at 07:36
0% return on $10,000 is the same as 0% return on $1,000,000. Hate the slow Asian session! And the weekends too! 😞
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 01, 2014 at 05:17
Sorry folks! Short of Privating my entire portfolio and going "underground", I am now Privating only my Magic tag analysis, TP/SL and trade comments. I would love to show everything, but a small element of society discourages me from helping my fellow trader.

Instead, to avoid any possible accusation of commercial use I will no longer make mention of what EAs I am testing. The 1% can ruin it for the 99%. But I hope in all honesty that karma prevails and folks will get their justice deserved. 😎
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 03, 2014 at 21:07 (已编辑 Feb 03, 2014 at 21:09)
Migrating MT4 terminals to VPS X-connected to IC Markets. Hoping to reduce latency (according to BeeksFX) from 2 ms to 0.5 ms. In turn hopefully the EAs will perform better (sometimes I wonder why they make stupid losing trades, and I am guessing they get bad fills due to latency perhaps...?)

I noticed my primary EA hit stoploss, despite exceeding this price earlier...? I don't know what to make of that. Is that due to the speed of the new server? Suddenly my EA could get stopped out where it couldn't before? I don't know.

...bummer, there goes my 2.55% gains for today - and then some.
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 04, 2014 at 06:50 (已编辑 Feb 04, 2014 at 07:02)
Closed off the losing GBPUSD trades from PGEA. I should have closed when i would only have lost $100, but I expected it would make a profit. The market was continuing in the wrong direction so I was not willing to accept further losses. Losing $570 is better than the entire account.

Taken off PGEA for now.

I realise it is hard to emulate the smooth growth curve at the beginning of this account because this is mostly due to the high contribution of funds and the frequent increasing of risk (therefore, the "perception" of growth of the account). Nothing spectacular like "organic" growth directly attributable to any particular EA. 😞
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 04, 2014 at 13:41
Hmm, crazy. You can't predict the market. I probably didn't have to lose $600 like I did. For now it will take me almost a week to make back from work (slavery)... 😞
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 13, 2014 at 11:52 (已编辑 Feb 13, 2014 at 12:21)
I wish the banks would at least give me a "thank you" card to show their appreciation for all the money I make for them.

Excellent start to 2014 (sarcasm). The stats so far:
1. Banks.................................................... +$20,000

2. Broker......................................................$ 6,500
-less rebates.......................$1,500DR.....$ 4,000
+add spreads.......................$ ????CR......$ ????

3. Me...........................................................$25,000
-less losses..........................$20,000......$ 5,000
-less commissions.................$ 6,500DR -$ 1,500
+add rebates......................$ 1,500CR...$.......

I don't know exactly... I think I am in a serious loss, but at least I still have $4000 😲. Or should I say, at least I am alive? Almost doesn't seem like a reason to be positive. 😞
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 14, 2014 at 09:07
Faaarrrrk! I gotta keep away from trading - manual trading that is! My lame ass attempt at trading just wastes money - AUD$160 just thrown away in a couple of minutes - my next shift at work is on a volunteer basis. Why do I keep trying myself? I know I can't trade. 95% of traders LOSE - what makes me think I can be a part of the 5%?

On that basis, 95% of EAs should also LOSE. The 5% (probably less) of EAs that are winning ones are certainly unlikely to be found in any public forum...

...but I keep looking, and keep looking, and keep looking, and keep looking, and keep looking, and keep looking...

...only a handful of EAs I have come across seem to have had SOME proven success after all my research. Even BEFORE beginning to test an EA, there are so many possibilities to go wrong based upon which broker you choose (so many factors to consider with each broker), and which VPS provider to use for best possible results. And even then, you could choose the best broker and best VPS provider in the world, and have the best EA possible, yet using the wrong EA settings will yield only losses!

It is impossible to predict the market:
Sure, many traders follow common indicators and systems, follow support and resistance levels, but this is surely not enough to influence the market. I heard even banks who control vast sums of money supposedly cannot substantially influence the $4 trillion+ forex market (lies, damn lies, and statistics). So how does the market move so much? Very few people entertain such a thought that forex is "manipulated" by anyone other than brokers... but what if this was true? Would it change the way many retail traders (you and I) trade? It may change our perceptions, but the common trader will probably continue using charts, watching news announcements, and doing what they are doing today, because they don't know any better. Martin Cole certainly has a unique POV in his video anyway:

So, considering the unpredictability of the market, my conclusion after six years is that a grid-martingale strategy which closes all positions out for a net positive result is likely the most viable EA solution. Perhaps my logic is flawed, as the many grid detractors will claim all grid-martys will eventually fail. But the underlying strategy is not what fails - it is a failing on the part of:
a) the user (what settings are used: grid size, martingale factor, risk, etc.) or
b) the broker (eg. limits on open orders), or
c) the EA (how well it is coded to execute the strategy, entry criteria to begin a grid, the ability to scalp smaller profits within larger grid setups, delaying of grid levels where market moves very quickly in one direction)

One thing holds true: the market never travels in a straight line. There are always pullbacks (profit-taking). It is these mini-reversals that will always exist, and that will ensure that a grid-marty strategy will work most effectively. A ranging market will obviously work best, but that depends on the timeframe used.

Now, if only I could find an EA like this...
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 14, 2014 at 11:12 (已编辑 Feb 14, 2014 at 11:13)
...what makes it worse is that those two trades (buy GBPUSD and GBPCHF) would have made considerable profits on my account. 😞

Ah, crap. I can't work out if I do this on purpose to stuff myself up, or if I really am just plain foolish.

I gotta remember - I guess they just as easily could have made considerably larger losses.
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 14, 2014 at 20:21 (已编辑 Feb 14, 2014 at 20:22)
What the hell has MetaQuotes done with version 600? Where the f*ck are the optimum preset files I saved?

I will gladly accept correction if I am wrong, but it seems this d*cks have managed to stuff things up again. Pity on those that don't have their preset files backed up - seems they are gonna be lost forever! 😞
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Feb 22, 2014 at 03:06
21/2/14 - GFEA added on six pairs, default settings. 0.01 lots all pairs, RSI on.
会员从Jan 25, 2010开始   1288帖子
Mar 13, 2014 at 14:50
IC Markets are asking me to open a new account if I want to keep my IB.

Guess I don't have a choice. This account is stuffed anyway.

My finances are stuffed anyway. I guess I can open another account and continue to stuff things up there too.

It is impossible to teach a fool any lesson. Best leave a fool to his folly. Destiny has obviously preached that I am to die a pauper. Can death come any swifter to put me out of my misery?
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
Mar 13, 2014 at 16:15
BluePanther posted:
IC Markets are asking me to open a new account if I want to keep my IB.

Guess I don't have a choice. This account is stuffed anyway.

My finances are stuffed anyway. I guess I can open another account and continue to stuff things up there too.

It is impossible to teach a fool any lesson. Best leave a fool to his folly. Destiny has obviously preached that I am to die a pauper. Can death come any swifter to put me out of my misery?

Don't worry you learned the lesson the hard way.
If you stay disciplined and progress slowly with small steps you can make a fortune later on.
Do not give up:)
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