Mt4-523316 (由 logart)
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Aug 06, 2016 at 10:08
会员从Aug 03, 2016开始
can you give me the EA ? Please because i had lost too much ... i will be thankful to you if you send my on my Email '[email protected]'
Learn from your mistakes, don't ever try to repeat them.
Aug 07, 2016 at 14:24
会员从Jul 31, 2016开始
asad20465 posted:
can you give me the EA ? Please because i had lost too much ... i will be thankful to you if you send my on my Email '[email protected]'
No, I can't give you the EA. The EA is registered with my MT4 account numbers, if i give you the EA, it wont work for you. You have to buy it.