Pipharmony (由 Supranium)



Jun 12, 2013 at 10:49
5 Replies
会员从Nov 05, 2009开始   76帖子
Jul 07, 2013 at 21:42
Signal test for Pipharmony portfolio is up now!
You will need to set up your simpletrader.net account and then subscribe by following the below link:


You will get two weeks free trial through best signal service solution out there.
After free trial you can subscribe for payd signals. Price for following month is just 15 EUR for now.
It will not stay that cheap.

Link to Pipharmony short statistics, detailed description and subscription requirements here:

会员从Nov 05, 2009开始   76帖子
Jul 08, 2013 at 06:51 (已编辑 Jul 08, 2013 at 06:52)
There is slight problem with link. I will update when its solved.
Note: Pipaddiction account scalping in now included to pipharmony. With risk 5-6 times less than on pipaddiction account.
会员从Nov 05, 2009开始   76帖子
Jul 08, 2013 at 08:25
Here is correct link to get 2 weeks free trial for Pipharmony portfolio:


会员从Nov 05, 2009开始   76帖子
Jul 10, 2013 at 17:03
Test period on SimpleTrader signals ends at 28.07.
After test period subscription fee will be a lot higher.
会员从May 04, 2012开始   1534帖子
Jul 13, 2013 at 20:27
Quoted from a website (which I cannot name as per MyFxBook's management): "DUE AUTOMATED STRATEGY BUG I WILL EXTEND TEST (15€ FEE) PERIOD UNTIL THE 10.07-11.07 LOSSES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ON SIGNAL ACCOUNT."

Since the "automated strategy bug" is still biting and losses are piling up, I suggest changing it to a "generic" statement: "DUE AUTOMATED STRATEGY BUG I WILL EXTEND TEST (15€ FEE) PERIOD UNTIL ALL LOSSES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ON SIGNAL ACCOUNT."

The signal provider's other strategy (https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Supranium/pipaddiction/579126) was very nice, so I wonder why he had to switch to PipHarmony, which is SO different in its R/R. Actually it is pretty bad with its recent results and a -62.7 pips GBPUSD long position left open for the weekend when the strategy's expectancy is only 2.1 pips per trade - without commissions. Since the average commission of the trader's account is 0.66 Euros/trade = 0.85 USD/trade, i.e. approx. 0.85 pips, the REAL expectancy drops to a minuscule 1.25 pips per trade. If this GBPUSD position were closed out now, one would need at least 50(!) "average winners" (62.7/1.25) in a row just to recover this one trade's loss. With a 58.4% Win/Loss ratio the chances of getting 50 winners in a row is almost zero. And we have not even considered potential slippage issues on subscribers' accounts... You can do the further maths. I am not a statistician, just an amateur trader who can appreciate MyFxBook's statistical capabilities by which I can read between the lines.

Blaming losses on "bugs" or other issues like "bad brokers" (see FMonera's Robin_vol), "slippages", "large spreads", "MT4 issues", "VPS problems", "internet speed" or even on the "Market" (which is my "favorite") is almost funny. Since there is always someone else on the other side of each trade, the equal number of traders should benefit from these "issues". Nevertheless, I have never seen any trader stating that his profits were partly due to these "issues". Go, figure...!

I think a responsible signal provider - or generally anybody in any profession - should offer his/her services to the public only when such services are well-tested and reliable.

This short story could be easily converted to Forex... https://effectivecio.com/2009/04/20/three-envelopes/

Maybe its time to prepare "3 envelopes"...?
Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)
会员从Nov 05, 2009开始   76帖子
Jul 13, 2013 at 20:38
You have got to be kidding me. You troll in Donnaforex and now here?
Firstly. Its a free signal and no one tells you to subscribe.
Secondly You are wrong on facts as well. I still trade Pipaddiction. It was not a switch.
Its not a 15€ fee. Its free of charge. 1eur fee was only entered because it doesnt let me to enter 0.
I repeat if you do not like the signal, then just unsubscribe. Dont troll and copy paste your posts.

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