TrackRecord (由 scratty)



Jun 08, 2016 at 06:43
6 Replies
会员从Aug 03, 2012开始   17帖子
Jun 08, 2016 at 09:42
Hello out there

Lets get the project "TrackRecord" started. Plan is to create a profitable track record for a minimum of 3 months to get my foot into the business with managed accounts. It is used to attract future investors based on the hopefully positive returns.

Would love to discuss, exchange opinions and experiences from others and get help how to get into the business of managed accounts and how to get in contact with investors.

Lose professionally!
会员从Jul 08, 2014开始   411帖子
Jun 08, 2016 at 10:15
Make everything transparent, stay around for 3-12 months, and if you're continuously profitable then people will jump on, granted your DD/returns are reasonable.

That is what I've observed in my time around FX.

Good luck
Keep at it
会员从Aug 03, 2012开始   17帖子
Jun 08, 2016 at 11:43 (已编辑 Jun 08, 2016 at 11:44)
Thanks for the advise, magixs. is it enough to publish results here over myfxbook to attract future customers?

luck? 😲 hopefully i dont need it 😉 but it always helps

Lose professionally!
会员从Jul 08, 2014开始   411帖子
Jun 08, 2016 at 14:24
Already replied, seems to have disappeared..

It's good here, it's worth linking your account to FXfactories trade explorer, once you've progressed from Jr member to a real one, you can then start a thread and talk about your trades. Don't push to sell or you will be banned unless you do it specifically in the commercial section.

Donnaforex has a journal section where you can link your myfxbook account to and chat about it there. You may need a minimum of posts there too.

Zulutrade, worth putting your account up there, I know you need to sign paperwork to get onto it, but I believe it's pretty straight forward ( haven't done that myself) but they have a lot of people looking to invest there.

Keep at it
会员从Aug 03, 2012开始   17帖子
Jun 08, 2016 at 19:58
Just registered as junior @ fx factory te, lets see how it works out, thanks for the support.
Lose professionally!
会员从Aug 03, 2012开始   17帖子
Jun 09, 2016 at 13:23
In my own oppinion success in trading comes mainly from good Money-Management.
The Markets are a tool to make money moving. In the end it is about MM.

Here is a statement that a lot of others disagree. I focus on Money-Management and i don't trade the markets with a set of fixed rules or a so called system. "How do you know if you have an edge?" you may ask. Valid point. My answer is. My edge comes from Money-Management not from a limiting set of rules. 😲

Lose professionally!
会员从Jan 27, 2013开始   427帖子
Jun 09, 2016 at 18:04
scratty posted:
In my own oppinion success in trading comes mainly from good Money-Management.
The Markets are a tool to make money moving. In the end it is about MM.

Here is a statement that a lot of others disagree. I focus on Money-Management and i don't trade the markets with a set of fixed rules or a so called system. "How do you know if you have an edge?" you may ask. Valid point. My answer is. My edge comes from Money-Management not from a limiting set of rules. 😲

Agreed, even if you take the wrong trade, with a properly money management that trade can be turn into a profitable one.
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