Tradingcompany4 (由 Tradingcompany)
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会员从Jan 15, 2011开始
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Feb 05, 2011 at 19:41
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
kishorejoga posted:
this account is blown I have seen with my own eyes this guy opened 6 lots of seeld EUR /USD ON THIS account , i have questioned him on this forum also ,this account is definitely blown out ,
U must be lost, please check where u are to type and re-type
Knowledge Is Power
会员从Sep 12, 2009开始
Feb 05, 2011 at 20:07
会员从Sep 12, 2009开始
Hello Ben smart ,I am talking about the one they posted with screen shot ,I am not lost on that day u replied u put the account on robot to watch , when I asked why u opened 6 lots of buys (open positions )If yo want eveidence will attach a screen shot here
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
Feb 05, 2011 at 20:09
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
kishorejoga posted:
Hello Ben smart ,I am talking about the one they posted with screen shot ,I am not lost on that day u replied u put the account on robot to watch , when I asked why u opened 6 lots of buys (open positions )If yo want eveidence will attach a screen shot here
Am sorry to say u are lost, but really u just proved that, the account in question was trading company5, which hv been updated, please just check it ut, ok?
Knowledge Is Power
会员从Sep 12, 2009开始
Feb 05, 2011 at 20:17
会员从Sep 12, 2009开始
I know You are too intelligent where is my cooment about 6 lots of opentrades in duscussion trading account 5 , you have deleted that account and uploded with new one that is the reason why , my comment on that account is disappeared , finally you have agreed that that account is blown you deleted that account and freshly updated with new account with name of TRADING ACCOUNT 5
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
Feb 05, 2011 at 20:34
会员从Feb 16, 2010开始
kishorejoga posted:
I know You are too intelligent where is my cooment about 6 lots of opentrades in duscussion trading account 5 , you have deleted that account and uploded with new one that is the reason why , my comment on that account is disappeared , finally you have agreed that that account is blown you deleted that account and freshly updated with new account with name of TRADING ACCOUNT 5
Yeah, I think kishorejoga is right. Tradingcompany5 hasn't been updatet at all, it has been 100% replaced.
Here's the previous Tradingcompany5 discussion:,1
Ben, it looks like you're a very manipulative person. Dishonesty has no place here.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
Feb 05, 2011 at 20:44
(已编辑 Feb 05, 2011 at 20:46)
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
forexma posted:
kishorejoga posted:
I know You are too intelligent where is my cooment about 6 lots of opentrades in duscussion trading account 5 , you have deleted that account and uploded with new one that is the reason why , my comment on that account is disappeared , finally you have agreed that that account is blown you deleted that account and freshly updated with new account with name of TRADING ACCOUNT 5
Yeah, I think kishorejoga is right. Tradingcompany5 hasn't been updatet at all, it has been 100% replaced.
Here's the previous Tradingcompany5 discussion:,1
Ben, it looks like you're a very manipulative person. Dishonesty has no place here
For ur case, i got many PM from many members asking me to ignore u for u are not in ur right senses, just keep fooling around why they laugh at ur dull brain
Knowledge Is Power
Feb 05, 2011 at 21:02
(已编辑 Feb 05, 2011 at 21:03)
会员从Feb 16, 2010开始
Tradingcompany posted:
For ur case, i got many PM from many members asking me to ignore u for u are not in ur right senses, just keep fooling around why they laugh at ur dull brain
Wow, you're really rude. I don't remember ever insultng you.
I think you've embarassed yourself enough even w/o the insults but that's just too much.
Why those people don't write here to defend you? Why PM's friends of Ben?
Anyway, how can you explain the fact that you replaced Tradingcompany5???
It's obvious that you've tried to fool people and make them think it's the same account by naming it Tradingcompany5. But you forget that the older discussion of the blown Tradingcompany5 is still here:,1
It's not updated cause it's blown, the second account blown by you.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
会员从Jan 06, 2011开始
会员从Jan 10, 2011开始