I’ve restarted INREXEA because I’ve successfully found a way to protect my products from copyright issues.

The challenge with the MQL market is that it has conditioned users to seek out cracked versions of products, disregarding the time and effort developers invest. Most users are only interested in obtaining something for free, and even with effective strategies to protect digital property, they’ll still look for cracked alternatives. This devalues a brand over time, making it impossible to sustain a positive growth curve, no matter how strong your live performance is. Platforms like ClubbingBuy and MQL have done little to protect developer copyrights, making it not worth the effort to continue without a scalable and sustainable approach.

Over the years, I’ve put a lot of energy into improving win-loss ratios in the market through expert advisors (EAs), but I’ve learned that these ratios are always shifting. Various factors—like cracking and brokers sharing orders—can disrupt even the best strategies. That’s why I’ve come to believe that if you have a successful approach, it’s best to use it privately. Unfortunately, the environment of cracking and theft in the MQL space is deeply ingrained. It’s a flawed system where developers, brokers, and clients all engage in deceptive practices. This zero-sum mindset prevents the possibility of a win-win situation. If you try to be honest or kind, you’ll only become a target in this jungle of resellers, crackers, and thieves.

That said, I’m no longer frustrated. With my new solution to protect my work, I’m moving forward with a clear, happy mind, focusing on what’s truly scalable for the long term. Time is valuable, so I won’t waste it on unnecessary communications. If you ask for discounts, investor passwords, or try to steal our records, you’ll be blocked immediately. This time, the approach is clear: quality, protection, and scaling up in a way that respects the effort behind the product.




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