My relationship with forex began in 2006 when one of the brokers held a contest and the prize was a luxury car which i wanted. The results were
as they should be and i cleaned my account. This lead to me leaving the market for a few years.
During the following years i was employed in various companies as a customer support. Few years later with the start of my own bussiness the very
same broker held another contest. It was precisely this moment which led to my almost obsession with the market and i started to put my full
effort to it. Hours after hours of trying and studying. By chance i got an offer from an emerging company. This company started to focus on forex
and I as an external manager was in charge of semiautomatic trading system, development and management of trading systems, running the office and
automatic trading systems. As you can guess after this i was hooked on ATS. The whole idea of doing „nothing“ and the system does your work for
you was absolutely captivating. This signalized a start of a new era for me which was studying the programming, meeting new traders and people in
this field in general.
Fate would have it my cooperation with said company was over. Simultaneously with the end of this cooperation I got another offer to work as a
consultant and a stock broker in one of the lead czech companies in this field. My position provided me with a new view and opinion about trading
and from my perspective highly valued experience. I noticed many links, contexts if you will, that would be hard to come across if i never worked
there. They introduced me to genetic algorithms and it was there that I discovered the StrategyQuant software and met the people behind it.
Thanks to all these experiences I created a portfolio which is presented here:
From November 2015 not only does it run with real cash, I am offering an oportunity to copy my trades in real time. Basically, your trading
account would be linked to mine and any trades that i make would be executed on your account as well.
For more information or if you are interested in cooperation, feel free to contact me.
as they should be and i cleaned my account. This lead to me leaving the market for a few years.
During the following years i was employed in various companies as a customer support. Few years later with the start of my own bussiness the very
same broker held another contest. It was precisely this moment which led to my almost obsession with the market and i started to put my full
effort to it. Hours after hours of trying and studying. By chance i got an offer from an emerging company. This company started to focus on forex
and I as an external manager was in charge of semiautomatic trading system, development and management of trading systems, running the office and
automatic trading systems. As you can guess after this i was hooked on ATS. The whole idea of doing „nothing“ and the system does your work for
you was absolutely captivating. This signalized a start of a new era for me which was studying the programming, meeting new traders and people in
this field in general.
Fate would have it my cooperation with said company was over. Simultaneously with the end of this cooperation I got another offer to work as a
consultant and a stock broker in one of the lead czech companies in this field. My position provided me with a new view and opinion about trading
and from my perspective highly valued experience. I noticed many links, contexts if you will, that would be hard to come across if i never worked
there. They introduced me to genetic algorithms and it was there that I discovered the StrategyQuant software and met the people behind it.
Thanks to all these experiences I created a portfolio which is presented here:
From November 2015 not only does it run with real cash, I am offering an oportunity to copy my trades in real time. Basically, your trading
account would be linked to mine and any trades that i make would be executed on your account as well.
For more information or if you are interested in cooperation, feel free to contact me.
I use only portfolio EA for MT4
Money are only money, but life is better with them than without them
Systems by petrslezak
Feb 22, 2016 at 11:41
Jan 23, 2016 at 09:55