Signals Trading
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In my experience they always trade 0.1 lot and they claim they trade well even when they take the wrong side. With 0.1 Lot in an account of $16500+bonus it's easy to say. In my opinion this is not trading. I do not recommend them.
yes they said like that also to me. the reason is they will get commission. they will give specific link to open new account which link to them as a referral. is better you are learn to trade by yourself as currently what I am doing now..
the supports said if you want to get the free trial signal you have to open an account to their broker then after the trial you may use your own trusted broker.. sounds like fishy. whats the difference on using trial on your own broker.. i dont get the logic here
there is completely different with my statement and the yeneris statement..for me I'm NOT recommend this signal provider. a pro trader will not use martingale system & not put stop loss for each position. martingale + no stop loss = MC. what the hell he is doing, going short euro/dollar when you have clearly fucking strong uptrend. this is my experience, please stay away from this provider!!
I just start subscribing to this signal on Feb 23, 2014. will see how they perform in my first month of subscription. for those who want view my account statement which being traded by them, here's the link:
deposits and withdrawals
deposits and withdrawals is made to increase the gain (by 155.49% to day)
But we must look Gain abs is that 12.13%, few
yess people. second mounth finished %40 profit its amazig, wondurfull, unbelieviable i am so happy. i saw that they realy know this work.
those results are fine for a 6 month account of $1700 , but longer term records would make me more confident that the 26% drawdown does not end up much bigger when a hard trend starts.
The statistics for this account are strange, there were many deposits and withdrawals on such a small account. If you follow these numbers, along with the profit only being $411, I am not sure about the real gains when it calculates out.
its just like a magic.... second mounth and second week finished my 1700$ now 2120$
This provider is honnest?
Statement on site is ok?
Agreed, If it's not on Myfxbook then its of little importance.
Why do you only have a few months of trading results posted on My FX book? Your website says you have years of great trades. You might note that backtests at 20% quality do not replace verified performance.
yesssss as i said they are very good. about 20% percent profit. they trade daily, longest duration 2 days. its lovely.as i see first user i am here. i couldt see any alert on the web. soo you can use this servis realy amazing. their skype 24 hours 7 days opened.
Thanks. and i wish keep going this succeed..
hey they are rely perfect going and not finised 1 mounth. i ll write at the and of mounth also. even yet %20 percen profit. İ am from Turkey. not man of tihis website!!!!!!!!!!!!!😄
Agreed, I wish if they were going to pull this with TWO separate fake profiles they would at least put a bit of effort in to make it at least LOOK legit. It's like they don't realise how dodgy that '1 post' looks in the top right hand corner.
Mr Patient
after a number of good trial days i paid as member and i ll see my occount good i hope
Account created 11 hours ago, post since 11 hours....🙄...smells funny :)
I strat with them last year with 14 free trial. Very good profit to my real account...strong support team