Does anybody run PAMM accounts?

Oct 23, 2015 at 16:43
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12 Replies
Membro Desde Oct 17, 2015   19 postagens
Oct 23, 2015 at 16:43
Hi all,
Please share with your pamm accounts success. How long have you been running the account(s)? What pamm brokers you are working with? Thanks.😄
Constant Stable Monthly Account Growth Makes You Successful
Membro Desde Jan 12, 2015   49 postagens
Oct 26, 2015 at 07:10
Hi richadi36,

We have currently one managed by myself and my partner with 35 years worth of combined FX experience.

Here is previous performance;

Below is our PAMM which is with an FCA and ASIC regulated broker, arguably the toughest regulators in the game. Minimum deposit is $10 to allow you to test us for virtually nothing.


“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful” - Warren Buffet
Membro Desde Oct 21, 2015   8 postagens
Oct 27, 2015 at 07:04
the monthly compound rate is the monthly gain?
u sleep profit
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2013   769 postagens
Oct 27, 2015 at 07:23
Very interesting results, would be following it up.
Membro Desde Jan 12, 2015   49 postagens
Oct 27, 2015 at 10:57
@datrhe - yes if you click "Intraday Gain" tab on the FXOpen website it will show you the actual current gain.

“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful” - Warren Buffet
Membro Desde Oct 17, 2015   19 postagens
Oct 28, 2015 at 06:59
markdoc1 posted:
Hi richadi36,

We have currently one managed by myself and my partner with 35 years worth of combined FX experience.

Here is previous performance;

Below is our PAMM which is with an FCA and ASIC regulated broker, arguably the toughest regulators in the game. Minimum deposit is $10 to allow you to test us for virtually nothing.


Nice monthly gain. Keep it up. Are you working with one broker so far?
Constant Stable Monthly Account Growth Makes You Successful
Membro Desde Jul 15, 2015   49 postagens
Nov 01, 2015 at 07:19

Nice monthly gain. Keep it up. Are you working with one broker so far?

Thank you for your comments @alexforex007 @richadi36

We are only working with this broker for non US clients, however we have a PAMM with Tallinex for US residents. We can directly manage accounts via the MT4 terminal at clients request supplied with a free trial month.

Are you with a particular broker at the moment @richadi36 ?


Membro Desde Oct 11, 2013   769 postagens
Nov 03, 2015 at 02:54
It is my understanding that US traders are only allowed a 1:10 leverage. Are you able to trade with higher leverage for US clients? How does that work, not sure.
Membro Desde Jul 15, 2015   49 postagens
Nov 03, 2015 at 13:45
US traders with Tallinex are allowed 1:200 leverage, the FIFO rule is also not applicable @alexforex007

Their spreads are also really good not had any problems with them and have been using them for directly managed accounts also.

Membro Desde Oct 17, 2015   19 postagens
Nov 08, 2015 at 07:41
FusionPRO posted:

Nice monthly gain. Keep it up. Are you working with one broker so far?

Thank you for your comments @alexforex007 @richadi36

We are only working with this broker for non US clients, however we have a PAMM with Tallinex for US residents. We can directly manage accounts via the MT4 terminal at clients request supplied with a free trial month.

Are you with a particular broker at the moment @richadi36 ?


No, at the moment I am planning to open pamm account with more reliable broker. Now I see one broker AlpariRU. If any ideas, please welcome.
Constant Stable Monthly Account Growth Makes You Successful
Membro Desde Aug 12, 2013   7 postagens
Nov 10, 2015 at 03:15
Nice account @FusionPRO . I think you are working on the abs gain

I am working on profit gain on this PAMM

wish us luck and patient

Life is not measured in minutes but moments
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2015   2 postagens
Nov 10, 2015 at 08:03
Membro Desde Oct 17, 2015   19 postagens
Nov 11, 2015 at 07:48
EmperiaFX posted:
I recently started my pamm here:

Hi EmperiaFX,
Super monthly returns! Keep it up! Good luck!
Constant Stable Monthly Account Growth Makes You Successful
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