Can Leverage be changed?

Jun 14, 2010 at 07:41
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21 Replies
Membro Desde Apr 18, 2017   700 postagens
Nov 27, 2018 at 08:13
Bohdan73 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
kacper5 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
How much leverage is more appropriate for you it depend on your trading plan and money management approach . when I was a newbie I used 1:100 leverage in my live account for avoiding risk. but in my demo account I always took high leverage 1:1000 to see the performance how it works. this approach always cautious me to trade in a small balance for avoiding loss .

1:1000 leverage is too high for me. can you please elaborate how do you manage your risk?

Please, don’t use such kind of aggressive trading leverage! Please, take care of your risk reward ratio (not more than 2%).
@Adribaasmet & @kacper5

Mohammadi clearly stated that he uses 100:1 on real and 1000:1 on demo.

He tried with 1:1000 maybe for practice or see the result! Usually, traders don’t use 1:1000 trading leverage! It’s an aggressive trading leverage for sure.
Membro Desde Apr 18, 2017   659 postagens
Apr 30, 2019 at 17:19
AniLorak posted:
Bohdan73 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
kacper5 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
How much leverage is more appropriate for you it depend on your trading plan and money management approach . when I was a newbie I used 1:100 leverage in my live account for avoiding risk. but in my demo account I always took high leverage 1:1000 to see the performance how it works. this approach always cautious me to trade in a small balance for avoiding loss .

1:1000 leverage is too high for me. can you please elaborate how do you manage your risk?

Please, don’t use such kind of aggressive trading leverage! Please, take care of your risk reward ratio (not more than 2%).
@Adribaasmet & @kacper5

Mohammadi clearly stated that he uses 100:1 on real and 1000:1 on demo.

He tried with 1:1000 maybe for practice or see the result! Usually, traders don’t use 1:1000 trading leverage! It’s an aggressive trading leverage for sure.

1:1000 is the killer; of course, 1:1000 is not for trading, it’s for gambling.
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