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Membro Desde Jul 05, 2021
3 postagens
Jul 14, 2021 at 01:13
Membro Desde Jul 05, 2021
3 postagens
Membro Desde Jul 05, 2021
3 postagens
Jul 14, 2021 at 01:14
Membro Desde Jul 05, 2021
3 postagens
hello everyone, we need learn some chinese now

Membro Desde Jul 06, 2021
1 postagens
Jul 14, 2021 at 06:50
Membro Desde Jul 06, 2021
1 postagens
FintechYang posted:
Although the dollar-centric international monetary system has disintegrated, the United States in the process of foreign exchange reserves and international clearing still occupies an absolute dominant position, involving the U.S. dollar foreign exchange transactions accounted for more than 80% of the total market transaction volume, so the U.S. economic data is the representative of the market, but also the most concerned part of investors, the following content mainly from the U.S. economy to explain the important economic data and affect the market, other monetary countries mainly explain the data often have a particular impact. Inflation data - Consumer Price Index The CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) is a comprehensive measure of a fixed basket of consumer goods prices and an indicator of whether inflation has changed in real time, and the response to inflation is very sensitive. The CONSUMER PRICE INDEX ALSO NEEDS TO PUBLISH THE CORE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX, WHICH EXCLUDES FOOD AND ENERGY PRICES. The impact of the CONSUMER PRICE INDEX is relatively greater than that of the producer price index, as changes in the CPI have a more direct impact on consumers' willingness to spend, and consumer spending accounts for more than 70 percent of U.S. GDP, which has a significant impact on overall U.S. economic growth. ......

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