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- Pro Trader in Austria?
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Pro Trader in Austria?
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Mar 09, 2020 at 07:57
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Are here Traders from Austria that would be so kind to help me with knowledge of Taxes/Rules in Austria ?
Are here Traders from Austria that would be so kind to help me with knowledge of Taxes/Rules in Austria ?
....just don´t lose .... rest will come ;-=
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Mar 09, 2020 at 11:28
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
No its only to fill the form
zeros behind the coma and on the end of an Number are not affecting the number itself ..... you can add as much as you want
zeros behind the coma and on the end of an Number are not affecting the number itself ..... you can add as much as you want
....just don´t lose .... rest will come ;-=
Membro Desde Mar 05, 2020
4 postagens
Membro Desde Apr 18, 2019
30 postagens
Mar 21, 2020 at 14:03
Membro Desde Apr 18, 2019
30 postagens
A lot of people replied or only two of them and the problem still not solved entirely on that topic anyway. How else we really can go with that matter anyway. I do want to get back with this. Tax issues and forex trading are very close and important to each other.
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Apr 21, 2020 at 20:33
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Couldnt believe that there is nobody out there willing to help ?
....just don´t lose .... rest will come ;-=
Membro Desde Sep 11, 2019
1 postagens
Apr 23, 2020 at 12:42
Membro Desde Sep 11, 2019
1 postagens
Hey, I could tell you how the german tax ruels look like, might be similar
Balls deep Gold ;)
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Apr 29, 2020 at 17:59
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2014
10 postagens
Not realy as far as i figured out so far..... but thank you, would love to speak about it in detail.
at least there was a helpful response
at least there was a helpful response
....just don´t lose .... rest will come ;-=
Membro Desde Jan 07, 2019
9 postagens
Apr 30, 2020 at 06:14
Membro Desde Jan 07, 2019
9 postagens
Eine Privatperson kann dich sowieso nicht richtig beraten, du brauchst einen Steuerberater.
Membro Desde Jul 23, 2020
759 postagens
Sep 19, 2020 at 17:19
Membro Desde Jul 23, 2020
759 postagens
FMA is one of the financial regulators in Austria. So, find their official website and search for what you need.
Membro Desde Nov 10, 2020
23 postagens
Nov 25, 2020 at 08:01
Membro Desde Nov 10, 2020
23 postagens
Hello, if you are looking for tax information, you must get in touch with the CPA in your city.
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2019
373 postagens
Nov 25, 2020 at 09:51
Membro Desde Jul 20, 2019
373 postagens
Normal gibt es ja eigentlich genug Seiten bzgl. dt. Steuerrecht etc. im Internet. Keine Ahnung, wie das für Österreich aussieht; aber für Deutschland gibt es z.B. online mehr als genug Infos für Menschen, die Kapitalerträge erwirtschaften. Aber ja, falls man nix brauchbares findet, einfach mal zum Steuerfachanwalt/-berater gehen (insofern man sich das leisten kann).
In Deutschland gibt es z.B. einen Sparerpauschbetrag (Freibetrag von bis zu 801€/Jahr) und eben die Kapitalertragssteuer (25%), die man dann in der jährlichen Steuererklärung einfach unter Anlage KAP mit erklärt. In Österreich wird das sicher ähnlich sein; wenn auch nicht 1/1 gleich.
In Deutschland gibt es z.B. einen Sparerpauschbetrag (Freibetrag von bis zu 801€/Jahr) und eben die Kapitalertragssteuer (25%), die man dann in der jährlichen Steuererklärung einfach unter Anlage KAP mit erklärt. In Österreich wird das sicher ähnlich sein; wenn auch nicht 1/1 gleich.
patience is the key
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