Renko charts

Jul 16, 2015 at 06:59
690 Visualizações
2 Replies
Membro Desde Mar 09, 2015   5 postagens
Jul 16, 2015 at 06:59
Would anyone using or not like to make a lot pips working together. seems 2 or more brains makes more results? or its just better to have some one to trade with 😁 30 (10pip)
boxes a day for 22 days will make huge return.
Membro Desde Aug 14, 2015   21 postagens
Sep 06, 2015 at 06:22
Renko candlesticks kind of resemble small boxes or bricks. Renko charts have no lower or upper shadows. When using the Renko charts, you could alter the box size. A new box would pop up on the chart, this would only happens when some rare level of price change happens. On a Renko chart it is important to see the price changes as vital but volume and time don't mean much on a Renko chart. The forex trader can use Renko charts to confirm his trade setups. After a while, you can say the Renko is a better tool for you if it helped you take stronger positions even making less mistakes. As a swing trader, Renko charts are a nice option if you work on long time frames as Renko charts are really helpful in confirming the results of your technical analysis.
As a tip, I would advise you use slower settings of the range of 1 on Renko charts to reduce the much noise.

Membro Desde Aug 27, 2017   875 postagens
Feb 03, 2019 at 08:21
Well; I am comfortable with only Price Action trading chart; it’s clean but so much informative.
keeping patience.......
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