Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?

Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35
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1,641 Replies
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2013   164 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 17:52
Master_Kiwa posted:
You should be ashamed of yourself for margin calling 5k in less then 3 days.

Wow, $5k wiped out in just 3 days? So i guess that makes you the winner, no? 😀
Membro Desde Aug 19, 2013   180 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 17:54 (editado há Jun 22, 2014 at 18:03)
MyFxTrader posted:
Wow, $5k wiped out in just 3 days? So i guess that makes you the winner, no? 😀

My $5k challenge account is up about 20% in five days.

I trade in small lot sizes, typically 0.01 to 0.05.

Margin call is almost impossible.

Trades only get added when the pair is profitable. It steps into the trade as the market move in the proper direction.
It then collects the combined profits for all the small orders on the pair. If the initial test order which is created doesn't go into profit within a predefined amount, then it simply stops trading until the market appears to present a high probability area for entry.

If the market starts to go against the pair, it closes the trades out due via the order management function in the bot.

Viva La Puerto Rico!
Membro Desde Aug 19, 2013   180 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 18:11 (editado há Jun 22, 2014 at 18:19)
Master_Kiwa posted:
Which is why, even for money 1000usd, you would not upload the account again.

My account is live.

I have no need for your money, nor do I believe you would actually pay me $1,000.00 if I uploaded it again.

PLEASE stop with your continued ranting it has grown old and serves no useful purpose.

Viva La Puerto Rico!
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2013   164 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 18:20 (editado há Jun 22, 2014 at 18:22)
CodeMonkey posted:
MyFxTrader posted:
Wow, $5k wiped out in just 3 days? So i guess that makes you the winner, no? 😀

My $5k challenge account is up about 20% in five days.

I trade in small lot sizes, typically 0.01 to 0.05.

Margin call is almost impossible.

Trades only get added when the pair is profitable. It steps into the trade as the market move in the proper direction.
It then collects the combined profits for all the small orders on the pair. If the initial test order which is created doesn't go into profit within a predefined amount, then it simply stops trading until the market appears to present a high probability area for entry.

If the market starts to go against the pair, it closes the trades out due via the order management function in the bot.

Since your account is deleted, there's no way to attest to your claims..
Membro Desde Aug 19, 2013   180 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 18:21 (editado há Jun 22, 2014 at 18:23)
I'm done here with this bullshit. I'm not going to even bother with myfxbook any longer. You win. have a nice day.
Viva La Puerto Rico!
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2013   164 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 18:30
Oops, did i say something wrong?
Membro Desde Nov 21, 2011   1601 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 19:03
CodeMonkey posted:
I'm done here with this bullshit. I'm not going to even bother with myfxbook any longer. You win. have a nice day.

Well since you said you are done with M. K. this wouldn't happen.

One of you really needs to be smarter than the other and stop to reply.
Membro Desde Oct 24, 2013   261 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 22:38 (editado há Jun 22, 2014 at 22:39)
Soon it will be like.......


You can't spend open trades.
Membro Desde Nov 21, 2011   1601 postagens
Jun 22, 2014 at 22:54
Silverthorn posted:
Soon it will be like.......



Lol this was the old man...
Membro Desde Apr 14, 2013   398 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 02:05
MyFxTrader posted:
Oops, did i say something wrong?

Yes you did. He won't load it again. He is a photo shopping expert.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Membro Desde Apr 14, 2013   398 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 02:06
MyFxTrader posted:
CodeMonkey posted:
MyFxTrader posted:
Wow, $5k wiped out in just 3 days? So i guess that makes you the winner, no? 😀

My $5k challenge account is up about 20% in five days.

I trade in small lot sizes, typically 0.01 to 0.05.

Margin call is almost impossible.

Trades only get added when the pair is profitable. It steps into the trade as the market move in the proper direction.
It then collects the combined profits for all the small orders on the pair. If the initial test order which is created doesn't go into profit within a predefined amount, then it simply stops trading until the market appears to present a high probability area for entry.

If the market starts to go against the pair, it closes the trades out due via the order management function in the bot.

Since your account is deleted, there's no way to attest to your claims..

Hello. What is your theory on him erasing his account? Do you think his stats were so good that he didn't want anyone to no longer see it.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Membro Desde Apr 14, 2013   398 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 02:09
MyFxTrader posted:
Master_Kiwa posted:
You should be ashamed of yourself for margin calling 5k in less then 3 days.

Wow, $5k wiped out in just 3 days? So i guess that makes you the winner, no? 😀

Of course I am the winner. I made him margin call his account. :p He thought his little support and resistance, martingale compound would work for more then 3 days. hhahahaha. I took his system apart in a matter of mins, explaining what it was he was doing. You can simply compare it on the chart. Well he erased his account. Yet the last time I tracked it, he was 47% in red, then when i refreshed it was no longer available to be viewed.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Membro Desde Apr 14, 2013   398 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 02:16
Hey admin... I have an idea. Why not make this thread only for people with real accounts. :P As that way we can prove in earning 200 to 400 in 6 weeks. I post here, because I have done over 500% in less then 2 full weeks. If we can get all the DEMO queens away from the keyboard. We will be able to make this thread productive.

P.s. CodeMonkey, Fxworks, CrazyTrader under those new rules will not be able to respond.
Focus on pip-drawdown
Membro Desde Apr 14, 2013   398 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 02:21
Master_Kiwa posted:
CodeMonkey posted:
Master_Kiwa posted:
entry accuracy, exit accuracy, Pip-drawdown, R:R'

You have the required full history.

my "pip drawdown" is none of your business right now. neither is my r:r.
Percentage in market, entrance timing, targeting % and all that other stuff is not any of your concern.

Honestly, I'm not going to show it mostly because it's bugging you, and for no other reason.

The only stats that are vital for this competiton are percentage gained and percentage DD.

Nothing else matters. end of discussion.

I see that you won't oblige. Well I won't keep going back and forth with you then. It's easy to see you aren't verifying your account for a reason, and had you been able to then it would be clear to see you aren't placing those trades which you claiming to post. ;) There is a reason why that feature was added to the website. None the less you don't have to update the account. You can keep running your "EA", and I'll keep trading my way. You aren't going to "show me" those stats not because it is bugging me, but only because you and I both know what would happen to your trade history if you did. :)

Classic comment.... Guys go back and read pages 84 and 85 of this thread. That is when codemonkey margin called his account. :) 5k go down the holeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Focus on pip-drawdown
Membro Desde Oct 24, 2013   261 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 04:58
Master_Kiwa posted:
Hey admin... I have an idea. Why not make this thread only for people with real accounts. :P As that way we can prove in earning 200 to 400 in 6 weeks. I post here, because I have done over 500% in less then 2 full weeks. If we can get all the DEMO queens away from the keyboard. We will be able to make this thread productive.

P.s. CodeMonkey, Fxworks, CrazyTrader under those new rules will not be able to respond.

Yes I would. I'd still be here telling you that you are a clueless idiot who does not know when to shut up and leave well enough alone. That glimmer of hope for you is long gone.

There is no hope of this thread ever being productive as long as your narrow minded inconsiderate garbage continues to be inflicted on others.

Nobody really cares any more about the content. This is just like watching a car wreck. It's mindless and serving no purpose but somehow I just can't look away. What exactly is it you are trying to achieve here any way? The only thing I can see you achieving is alienation from the whole MFB community! Is that really the desired outcome? If it is then just stop posting and you won't have to hear from any of us ever again.

If it's to try to prove your point and show that you are a better man than everybody else you need to grow up and shut up cos you're doing it all wrong.
You can't spend open trades.
Membro Desde Oct 24, 2013   261 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 06:08 (editado há Jun 23, 2014 at 06:15)
While we are talking about fairy tails and general BS we've all heard the "statistic" quoted so frequently that less than 10% of traders make any money and that over 90% are going broke.

Scroll to the bottom of this page and explain that!

According to MFB 47% of real account traders with verified accounts are profitable.

(That does not include you Master_Kiwa I can do the math so don't get carried away. Before you start. Yes I know, Real account, Show you something, Verify this, Prove that....... STFU!!!!)
You can't spend open trades.
Membro Desde Jun 09, 2014   38 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 06:34
I think you should stop thinking of making lots of money from scratch. Ofcourse you can double 200 USD, even in two hours, not only in six weeks, but the risk is big and even if you do it, the strategy you apply is not working long time. Eventually you will loose. SO instead of doubling your money in 6 months concentrate on a strategy which can get you 10-15% per month on a long term basis. That's what I do for years :)
Membro Desde Aug 24, 2012   2 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 06:48
when i started, i did it in 2 weeks on my demo, but i didnt use SL or TP, so it ended fast after that :)
Membro Desde Jun 19, 2014   4 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 06:54
GBPUSD may goes down in next 2 hrs to 1.7015
Membro Desde Dec 31, 2013   164 postagens
Jun 23, 2014 at 07:36 (editado há Jun 23, 2014 at 07:53)
Master_Kiwa posted:
MyFxTrader posted:
Since your account is deleted, there's no way to attest to your claims..

Hello. What is your theory on him erasing his account? Do you think his stats were so good that he didn't want anyone to no longer see it.

From my observation, I find it very strange that someone who was up in the stats would abruptly delete his account just days into a scheduled 2 weeks contest. Even more strange that almost immediately after the account was deleted, a screen shot demonstrating that it was a verified account was uploaded. It could be an edited screen shot as you have suggested using photoshop or other image editing softwares which is easily available.

The bubble displays transaction record and/or mode of transaction in a real account whilst in a demo account it usually displays 'Deposit' as conveyed from the comments column of the MetaTrader platform. The information in the bubble can easily be edited tho'. However, due to the fact that the owner had no knowledge of the bubble prior to your enlightenment on this issue, it's highly unlikely that the bubble was tempered with and that the owner had unwittingly exposed himself to the public of using a demo account. This may be another reason as to why the account was deleted apart from that that it had received a margin call. Unless the account is re-uploaded fully verified and details of withdrawals are made to justify it's a real account, it makes very little sense to continue arguing on this matter..

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