is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)

Mar 30, 2013 at 16:06
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546 Replies
Membro Desde Dec 30, 2013   163 postagens
Feb 07, 2015 at 10:58
One more bit of advice - not only trade with demos just for a year but trade with demos until you're winning and are profitable - CONSISTENTLY!!!!!!!!! You can always enter competitions which will add the pressure of live trading. It will also give you time to decide if it's what you really want to do.

I'm at that stage of deciding, I'm disillusioned with the market at the moment because as I said above I believe it to be manipulated and rigged on a daily basis by bankers in the know. You only have to go to Bloomberg and read some of the headlines there....but I also believe that because of what I've witnessed just looking at charts day after day.

I firmly believe I have excellent Technical Analysis skills, I've learnt stuff that you wouldn't even learn from brokers and stuff that brokers probably don't even know themselves and despite that I've still managed to get stuffed!!!! They'll tell you that when the MACD, RSI, a Moving Average or Trend line does this or that, that is the time to get in or out of a trade. I've seen confluence on a grand scale and still had trades go against me.

Personally I think the secret to trading is not so much what you know, BUT WHO YOU KNOW!!!

Membro Desde Dec 30, 2013   163 postagens
Feb 07, 2015 at 10:59
Having given it some thought I think this is a good example of what to do when your back is against the wall and you've got nothing to lose. I posted this earlier, but I'll post it again. I opened this account with £100 and was down to my last £20 then decided to hedge, here goes......

LQD Markets (UK) Ltd.

A/C No: 999672634 Name: Tony Gregg 2015 February 6, 23:59
Closed Transactions:
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission R/O Swap Trade P/L
No transactions
0.00 0.00 0.00
Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: 0.00

Open Trades:
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission R/O Swap Trade P/L
43667644 2015.01.02 09:09:12 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.20368 0.00000 0.00000 1.12864 0.00 -5.95 375.20
43667646 2015.01.02 09:09:42 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.20408 0.00000 0.00000 1.12855 0.00 -6.70 -377.65
43667648 2015.01.02 09:09:50 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.20400 0.00000 0.00000 1.12855 0.00 -6.70 -377.25
43667650 2015.01.02 15:22:18 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.20312 0.00000 0.00000 1.12864 0.00 -5.95 372.40
43667695 2015.01.02 09:30:32 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.20367 0.00000 0.00000 1.12864 0.00 -5.95 375.15
43667728 2015.01.02 09:32:36 buy 0.02 eurusd 1.20393 0.00000 0.00000 1.12855 0.00 -2.75 -150.76
0.00 -34.00 217.09
Floating P/L: 183.09

Working Orders:
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Market Price
No transactions

A/C Summary:
Previous Ledger Balance: 20.65 Floating P/L: 183.09
Closed Trade P/L: 0.00 Total Credit Facility: 0.00
Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Equity: 203.74
Balance: 20.65 Margin Requirement: 7.22
Available Margin: 196.52
Best Regards
Accounts Department

Hedging doesn't work all the time and I've found it to be quite complicated, but on this occasion it did probably more than doubling the account!!!!
Membro Desde Jul 04, 2012   3 postagens
Feb 08, 2015 at 05:38
REAL account
REAL results
Falling down is part of life. Getting back UP is LIVING.
Membro Desde Mar 17, 2014   35 postagens
Feb 08, 2015 at 07:43
Hypothetically its possible.. never seen or heard anyone do that in real..

On the contrary, a couple of risky trades could possibly do that.. BUT, I doubt such luck would come consistently..
Membro Desde Dec 25, 2014   1 postagens
Feb 09, 2015 at 07:31
Just develop a Robust Technical System to analyze the market and you will overcome

the riggers.
Membro Desde Aug 12, 2014   23 postagens
Feb 09, 2015 at 12:44
Membro Desde Mar 17, 2014   35 postagens
Feb 09, 2015 at 12:45
myfxpip posted:
REAL account
REAL results

IF you could do this month after month for 12 months in a row.. I would like to say.. you are one of the best..
Membro Desde Jan 30, 2015   3 postagens
Feb 10, 2015 at 15:24
might actually be possible to convert that amount
Membro Desde Dec 16, 2011   268 postagens
Feb 10, 2015 at 17:13 (editado há Feb 10, 2015 at 17:26)
yes it is possible i just made 2000 % in less then a 2 weeks

100 $ to 2000 $ in less then a 2 weeks

u welcome
Membro Desde Aug 21, 2010   169 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 05:31
DrVodka posted:
yes it is possible i just made 2000 % in less then a 2 weeks

100 $ to 2000 $ in less then a 2 weeks

u welcome

lets race to $20k profit? hehehehe just a friendly match.
Plan your trades and trade your plans.
Membro Desde Jan 28, 2015   2 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 07:27
Not with a right risk management.
I recommend this FB page to learn how to trade right. 255 pips last week, 403 in January. Enough to make a good living :)
Membro Desde Jan 07, 2015   11 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 10:54
MaestroOfForex posted:
Not with a right risk management.
I recommend this FB page to learn how to trade right. 255 pips last week, 403 in January. Enough to make a good living :)

Yea you right, right trading its all what need a trader for profit
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2012   210 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 18:42
I know its a theoretical question... So why not asing if its possible to make 100000 out of 1000. thats some real money worth fighting to achieve ;)
Membro Desde Jan 22, 2015   57 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 19:30
MaestroOfForex posted:
Not with a right risk management.
I recommend this FB page to learn how to trade right. 255 pips last week, 403 in January. Enough to make a good living :)

Great link thank you.
Membro Desde Dec 30, 2013   163 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 21:32
I didn't start this discussion, somebody else did I was just trying to help.

Vlad - You have to realise that not a lot of people have £1000 to start trading with!
Membro Desde Jan 25, 2010   1288 postagens
Feb 11, 2015 at 22:41 (editado há Feb 11, 2015 at 22:45)
vladrac posted:
I know its a theoretical question... So why not asing if its possible to make 100000 out of 1000. thats some real money worth fighting to achieve ;)

Greggy posted:
Vlad - You have to realise that not a lot of people have £1000 to start trading with!

If you can achieve $100 into $1000 in four weeks, logically you should also be able to continue:
-$1000 into $10,000
-$10,000 into $100,000, etc. etc.

It is only a matter of time (how long do you hope to achieve those milestones?) But this thread is purely for "show ponies" that think by turning $100 into $1000 they are suddenly "superior traders".

Let us see that performance continued for a longer period of time (twelve months or more)...,10

Maybe then these "show ponies" could really be considered "superior traders".

Membro Desde Aug 21, 2010   169 postagens
Feb 12, 2015 at 00:01
wheres your account? hahahaha keep on talking as if you have something. but nothing.

Anexos :

Plan your trades and trade your plans.
Membro Desde Jan 25, 2010   1288 postagens
Feb 12, 2015 at 04:44 (editado há Feb 12, 2015 at 04:45)
tankbeta posted:
wheres your account? hahahaha keep on talking as if you have something. but nothing.

@tankbeta : Have you read the thread? A few people have already shared their accounts - what about you?
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2012   210 postagens
Feb 12, 2015 at 10:25
Ive seen a few account up 1000% ... even signal accounts - search google for "good profit mq4 signals" - all EURUSD shorts... 0 losses ;) but DD of 48%.

or even some EAs like keltner pro and revtraderpro...achieved with really high risk.
Membro Desde Aug 21, 2010   169 postagens
Feb 17, 2015 at 12:41
BluePanther posted:
tankbeta posted:
wheres your account? hahahaha keep on talking as if you have something. but nothing.

@tankbeta : Have you read the thread? A few people have already shared their accounts - what about you?

im good. still dooooooooing gooood :)
Plan your trades and trade your plans.
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