Google / Vista widgets resultados da votação

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Discussão Google / Vista widgets

Sep 02, 2009 at 22:45
1,411 Visualizações
3 Replies
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009   12 postagens
Sep 02, 2009 at 22:45
Is it possible to create google and/or vista widgets which will show some basic information abt account ?
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009   36 postagens
Sep 03, 2009 at 05:15
what do you mean? a desktop app?
Membro Desde Aug 26, 2009   12 postagens
Sep 03, 2009 at 06:38

pavelr posted:
what do you mean? a desktop app?

Not really.

Yahoo widgets can run on each PC, afer small yahoo widget utility app. is installed.

Vista widgets can run on sidebar on Vista, and there is nothing to install, Vista already has widgets "built-in"
Here is example for weather forecast:

There are thousands and thousands of widgets ready to download. Some time ago I was in stock market, and there were few very nice widgets which I used, so I thought that it would be nice to have one here...
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009   1418 postagens
Sep 05, 2009 at 11:58
This is something we may consider adding in the future, as now we're concentrating on improving our platform.

Thank you for your suggestion.
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