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- Why are there no oil
Why are there no oil resultados da votação
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Discussão Why are there no oil
Membro Desde Apr 10, 2016
2 postagens
Membro Desde Jul 13, 2016
39 postagens
Jul 24, 2016 at 20:12
Membro Desde Jul 13, 2016
39 postagens
Do you want to discuss oil's trends because of its influence on commodity currencies that depends of it a lot or what the is the reason? As far as I have noticed on this board more attention is paid to the most popular pairs such the US dollar, euro, GBP, yen and others but they are not strongly attached to the oil
Membro Desde Jan 14, 2014
166 postagens
Membro Desde Jul 13, 2016
39 postagens
Jul 25, 2016 at 19:16
Membro Desde Jul 13, 2016
39 postagens
Well, there is very interesting vision. Thank you for your graphic. But let me ask, when are you waiting for the level indicated by point and could you please name the exact level? Incidentally, it is also very interesting, where you still lean oil will go to the south or to the north from the designated point level?
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