Austral Sea EA (Por RobotForexProEA)

Ganho : +99.45%
Drawdown 7.90%
Pips: 3902.2
Trades 1076
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Demo
Alavancagem: 1:500
Trading : Automatizado

Discussão Austral Sea EA

Jan 21 at 22:33
256 Visualizações
9 Replies
Membro Desde Jan 22, 2025   1 postagens
Jan 22 at 00:15

Hello,i'm your customer.why i can't find this advisor on your website?


Membro Desde Jan 22, 2025   1 postagens
Jan 22 at 20:56

Trend team. I also not find this Ea on your website.

how to receive it?

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Jan 24 at 10:28

Hi, we still test all pairs of NewZealand and Australia.

So faar all test show good results, Live and all Backtests.

As soon we will start provide it, we will notify all via e-mail.

Kind regards,

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Jan 29 at 09:18
Michael32 posted:

Trend team. I also not find this Ea on your website.

how to receive it?

Hi, you can find now it on our website

and make a preorder for it.

Kind regards,

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Feb 03 at 21:25

EA is great for prop firms accounts also.

We easy made 10% in 3 days on one of the small prop firm account. (There is not possible to add propfirms accounts on myfxbook)

And account is fully passed challenge, without any problems.

Check on screenshot in attachment.

Anexos :

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Feb 07 at 10:21

2 weeks left until release.


Austral Forex EA by Robot Forex ProThis EA work with any account type, on MT4 terminal

Trading on M15 time frame

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Feb 20 at 10:38

Finally today we start provide our expert advisor on our website.

It get trow all our live trading test on any market condition, and it show stable a good profit.

Kind regards,

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Feb 25 at 10:19

We have reach a 1000 happy Austral EA customers.

30% of customers use on Prop Firms, and have pass all challenges.

20% of custoemr use on small deposit accounts, and have doubled they deposits.

Kind regards,

Membro Desde Feb 28, 2025   1 postagens
Feb 28 at 03:33

I have a strong suspicion the results are fabricated by this seller. I purchased this EA and is already 50% in drawdown (not the 7% they claimed), before I had to intervene and close all trades to avoid a margin call. And before I get accused of over-leveraging, this was just with 2x leverage...

The claim that customers have doubled their deposits on small deposit accounts? Impossible. Considering the EA was just released on 20 February. Only way that would happen is by over-leveraging which would have by now certainly wiped out their account.

Something doesn't add up here.  Extremely unimpressed. Don't waste your money, guys. Seller cannot be trusted and trust is key.

Membro Desde May 19, 2023   278 postagens
Feb 28 at 12:21
Aesop311 posted:

I have a strong suspicion the results are fabricated by this seller. I purchased this EA and is already 50% in drawdown (not the 7% they claimed), before I had to intervene and close all trades to avoid a margin call. And before I get accused of over-leveraging, this was just with 2x leverage...

The claim that customers have doubled their deposits on small deposit accounts? Impossible. Considering the EA was just released on 20 February. Only way that would happen is by over-leveraging which would have by now certainly wiped out their account.

Something doesn't add up here.  Extremely unimpressed. Don't waste your money, guys. Seller cannot be trusted and trust is key.

Before post some of message like this, please contact our support.

We have not tell any one for double they deposits, by our rules, we not advice anyone, how big deposit they must have, or what risks settings they use. 

Also we not provide any information or suggestion about Leverage.

Every our EA have security settings of maximum drawdown in percent, we can't advice how big to use it, because every trader have own risks feelings. And we strongly recommend to use it when we was send files, because at this moment Market is totally not stable. Our EA is technically, and not a Fundemental.

BTW. of course we work hard and we  make update, to be sure, it not happening again on all big news time.

Kind regards,

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