Elliott Waves (Por Breaker)
Ganho : | +10558.8% |
Drawdown | 20.82% |
Pips: | 1796.5 |
Trades | 33 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:500 |
Trading : | Manual |
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Discussão Elliott Waves

Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010
106 postagens
Sep 10, 2014 at 13:28
Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010
106 postagens
Hello Breaker,
Your trading performance is awesome.
Do you provide some signals for following ?
Your trading performance is awesome.
Do you provide some signals for following ?
Membro Desde Feb 07, 2013
2 postagens
Sep 11, 2014 at 07:03
Membro Desde Feb 07, 2013
2 postagens
gftcfd posted:
Hello Breaker,
Your trading performance is awesome.
Do you provide some signals for following ?
He is not trader, he is hidden PR manager of gaincy. ( this company was founded by owners MMCIS and MillTrade bucketshops) 😁
Membro Desde Feb 07, 2013
2 postagens

Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010
106 postagens
Sep 11, 2014 at 07:16
Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010
106 postagens
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
Sep 11, 2014 at 09:55
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
gftcfd posted:
Hello Breaker,
Your trading performance is awesome.
Do you provide some signals for following ?
I don't provide signals. It's not really profitable for me
To become a succesfull you have to surround yourself with expensive things
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
Sep 11, 2014 at 09:56
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
qwert3qwert posted:
He is a fake :)
Learn to earn money! this is my advice to you. In other way your life will be the same fake)))
To become a succesfull you have to surround yourself with expensive things

Membro Desde Aug 07, 2014
378 postagens
Sep 17, 2014 at 06:51
Membro Desde Aug 07, 2014
378 postagens
Of course the stats are fake. The broker is a small white lable broker who in which you can manipulate the stats as he has! When you see accounts like this, ask the manage to show you the account via teamviewer. Unless they can´t do that never trust stats like those.

Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010
106 postagens
Sep 17, 2014 at 06:55
Membro Desde Mar 12, 2010
106 postagens
It seems broker:Gainsy has bad reputation.
Membro Desde Dec 12, 2011
82 postagens
Sep 30, 2014 at 17:39
Membro Desde Dec 12, 2011
82 postagens
gftcfd posted:
It seems broker:Gainsy has bad reputation.
The broker Gainsy may have bad reputation, but the trading strategy being used here seems legit and sound. The system is not a scalper and is less influenced by broker spreads. I have made an effort to re-analyze the entries and exits and found most of them to conform to entries at the extremities of extended bars.
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
Oct 01, 2014 at 07:57
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
Cholipop posted:
Of course the stats are fake. The broker is a small white lable broker who in which you can manipulate the stats as he has! When you see accounts like this, ask the manage to show you the account via teamviewer. Unless they can´t do that never trust stats like those.
Thank you guys, it was really funny^^ Maybe you gonna advise me your broker? It's certainly the best :D
Do you want an access through Tеam Viewer? Or may be you want access to all banks accounts with logs and passwords?
Don't be upset, but I will ban you.
To become a succesfull you have to surround yourself with expensive things
Membro Desde Jun 09, 2013
29 postagens
Oct 02, 2014 at 06:51
Membro Desde Jun 09, 2013
29 postagens
Dear Breaker, Its clear that you have had an exceptional training. Could you pass some more details on how can someone can get such strong backround on trading?
Membro Desde Aug 20, 2013
21 postagens
Oct 08, 2014 at 16:01
Membro Desde Aug 20, 2013
21 postagens
Beware of gainsy.com!
Beware of gainsy.com!
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
Oct 10, 2014 at 15:57
Membro Desde Sep 03, 2014
6 postagens
STOp MAKE PR ON MY WALL!11 I have choosen this company due to their low spread and nice pAmm. If you have questions, write them in PM. Don't spend my time on your unreal links and adv of your bureaus
To become a succesfull you have to surround yourself with expensive things
Membro Desde Jun 22, 2014
5 postagens
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
Oct 12, 2014 at 06:15
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
Elliott Waves is a wonderful too to earn money!
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
Oct 12, 2014 at 06:15
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
It means that Braker has been kept Sgorting EURUSD since the beginning of September .
Membro Desde Oct 11, 2014
7 postagens
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2014
19 postagens
Oct 12, 2014 at 06:26
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2014
19 postagens
Well since you don't scalp then you don't need very low spread broker for that. Hotforex is a reputable broker also thinkforex you name it so maybe you have accounts on other broker too?

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