GFR_REAL (Por greatestforex)

Ganho : +1603.61%
Drawdown 47.59%
Pips: 701.0
Trades 327
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Real
Alavancagem: 1:500
Trading : Automatizado

Discussão GFR_REAL

May 26, 2010 at 01:25
5,598 Visualizações
64 Replies
Membro Desde May 01, 2010   271 postagens
Oct 01, 2010 at 19:20 (editado há Oct 01, 2010 at 19:21)
Sorry guys. I was taking a lot of drawdown and I have been trying to move funds to a different broker for 2 weeks and the dd just kept getting bigger and bigger... :(

I would have held out to see it reverse, but I want to get this money into my ATC account for now. I am trading a much larger account (soon to be public) and it isn't blessings 3. (I also want to avoid the whole US new margin rules etc... )

I will continue my testing with the 10.00 and 50.00 baskets but I want to get my lot sizes up on the other system for $$.

I am doing terrible though due to this really really really long trend against the USD! I wonder if our dollar will be worth anything by next year. haha... :)
Be Open, honest and ethical and all the $$$ you want will come. (hint hint)
Membro Desde Oct 02, 2010   5 postagens
Oct 02, 2010 at 01:12

IGFXCapital posted:
i have the code, i saw it 100% same as dragonpips robot, looks copycat from dragonpips, right?

maybe yes, i found similar take profit and stop loss and trade time with DRAGONPIP robot one of the best scalper i think, but i don't know what version this copy

Membro Desde Jul 15, 2010   3 postagens
Oct 02, 2010 at 11:30
oh ternyata robot dragonpips toh, kebangetan kalo dijual emang profitnya kurang ya sampe harus jual robot copian?
Membro Desde May 19, 2010   30 postagens
Oct 04, 2010 at 01:02
of course its not dragonpip!! they have no real prove "myfxbook" like GFR!!! by the way, its easy to make strategytester or HTML statement, i can made by dreamweaver.
let you know, this is one of the filter of send order by GFR (original) please check it with drgnpip."
if(iStochastic(Symbol(),Period(),5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0)>=L1_level && iStochastic(Symbol(),Period(),5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0)<=L2_level)
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lots_443, Ask, slippage, prima_520, dion_2, "GFR_1", magic_477, 0, Green);"
wah wah, klo TP dan SL scalper memang standart terbaiknya segitu!! kayaknya banyak orang yang BEGO yahh, nih di jelasin
TP = 3-5
SL = 32
nah dibuktiin dulu aja, coba lihat di demo yang baru, TP dan SL dirubah, so dikira robot apa lagi yah?
gw prihatin ada orang indonesia yang bego ikut2an orbolannya BULE diatas, klo Bule sih gw biarin coz gw g prefer klo Bule banyak untung.

jadi bro VSA, klo g tau, jangan angkat bicara, malu bro kita menjadi bangsa indonesia.
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Membro Desde Oct 02, 2010   5 postagens
Oct 04, 2010 at 15:59 (editado há Oct 04, 2010 at 16:21)
after browsing anywhere, i have your robot code GFR i founded it from indonesian forum maybe someone bought from you and share it, and it 100% DRAGONPIP robot code with nothing change, but you trade on ucad and uchf, yes it's easy made ST from tools but how you can made profit factor, profit, balance connected to the ST graph?

i compared GFR code for user input, used same variable name Hour_Start_Trade and Hour_Stop_Trade, StopLoss, TakeProfit, MaxSpred same as DRAGONPIP HYPER VERSION input variable, you changed RISK variable name to cek that increase open lot value changed for robot name to GFR :)

if(iStochastic(Symbol(),Period(),5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0)>=L1_level && iStochastic(Symbol(),Period(),5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0)<=L2_level)

i compared all code and nothing change for logic as you said above and it make me sure GRF is copycat of DRAGONPIP

Membro Desde May 19, 2010   30 postagens
Oct 05, 2010 at 05:57
i see,
yes, its many FAKE GFR out there, i don't know who the hell are they (maybe dragonpip but modify like GFR for the basic information), because my web ever hacked by some one and they stolen my Manual Book (robot send by me manually on private email).
if you sure that is my robot, use it on real account. trust me it will be lost (does not be the same with my statement).
how ever, good luck with your GFR...
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Membro Desde Jul 15, 2010   3 postagens
Oct 05, 2010 at 07:40
Jelas2 GFR = Copy of Dragonpips

fake GFR? you funny man no reason made fake GFR you just changed some variable name like risk to cek and hide some input option

seharusnya anda yang tahu malu bung, jelas2 anda menipu! dikasi profit mau juga tipu2 lagi lihat saja di forum kaskus dasar tak tahu malu
Membro Desde May 19, 2010   30 postagens
Oct 06, 2010 at 05:00

OK, coba bandingkan dengan (sekarang sepertinya web sudah tidak ada karena sudah lebih dari 2 Tahun) yang jelas sama juga dengan >>> banyak robot dragonpips, SRF, Fake GFR diforum!!!
sekarang mana yang plagiat? siapa yang g tau malu Bro?
jangan2 SRF diganti namanya dengan dragonpips dan dibilang greatestforexrobot punya gw, suruh mereka memberi real statement dengan comment terbuka di
kita bandingkan sama2 statement real tersebut, apakah comment kedua statement benar sama?
klo terbukti g sama apa yang bisa ANDA beri ke kami?

malu Bro memberi judge yang salah, jangan2 Anda yang punya (jadi sapa yang jiplak?)
kami yakin benar, karena robot kami memang beda dan kami membuat sendiri!

jadi jangan banyak omong, tunjukkan statement real. bandingkan, klo ngomong doank rugi bro!
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Membro Desde Sep 04, 2009   849 postagens
Oct 06, 2010 at 05:06
mrfps hgtx nrwoooo cgrpmf ?🙄
Membro Desde Jul 15, 2010   3 postagens
Oct 06, 2010 at 08:44 (editado há Oct 06, 2010 at 08:47)
greatestforex posted:

OK, coba bandingkan dengan (sekarang sepertinya web sudah tidak ada karena sudah lebih dari 2 Tahun) yang jelas sama juga dengan >>> banyak robot dragonpips, SRF, Fake GFR diforum!!!
sekarang mana yang plagiat? siapa yang g tau malu Bro?
jangan2 SRF diganti namanya dengan dragonpips dan dibilang greatestforexrobot punya gw, suruh mereka memberi real statement dengan comment terbuka di
kita bandingkan sama2 statement real tersebut, apakah comment kedua statement benar sama?
klo terbukti g sama apa yang bisa ANDA beri ke kami?

malu Bro memberi judge yang salah, jangan2 Anda yang punya (jadi sapa yang jiplak?)
kami yakin benar, karena robot kami memang beda dan kami membuat sendiri!

jadi jangan banyak omong, tunjukkan statement real. bandingkan, klo ngomong doank rugi bro!

kalau situ bilang dragonpips jiplakan dari anda ya anda salah besar saya cek web anda muncul tahun 2010 sedangkan dragonpips 2009 saya hanya dapat code GFR dan dragonpips di forum kaskus dan saya bandingkan dan sama hanya nama inputan yang berbeda, manual dari GFR juga saya ada dengan tampilan input sama dengan GFR lalu motifnya apa membuat fake GFR samapi buat tutorial segala dengan link ke website anda? kasi saya alasan jelas motif buat fake GFR dengan tutorial manual yang di link ke website anda kurang kerjaan bener itu manusia hihihihihi

saya yang punya dragonpips? asal loe tahu itu robot recycle dari robot buatan teman saya bro rahman, sama GFR di pungut balik ganti kemasan kata-kata anda yg di atas yang buat saya comment begini "malu jadi bangsa indonesia"

terus kenapa history anda tidak di update sampai hari ini kenapa sampai 14 agustus saja? LOSS? KO ya robotnya? gentle sedikit lar kalo update history ya sampai hari ini dunk masa cuma profitnya saja di tampilin LOSS nya di sembunyiin hihihihihi
Membro Desde Oct 02, 2010   5 postagens
Oct 06, 2010 at 13:51
use english please so we understand what you both talked about
could you share investor password cause i see last update just Aug 14 why not update until last day? what happen for sept till oct trade?
Membro Desde May 19, 2010   30 postagens
Oct 08, 2010 at 13:00
the point of my last post is,
my robot is completely different
because its many fake GFR = superrobotforex (SRF) or dragonpips >>> around the year 2007
GFR is 2010
I do not know where the original, superrobotforex or dragonpips or (perhaps there are other)
but my GFR completely diffrent
i just want to know, the real statement on myfxbook of that robot (open comment MT4).
so we can compare it, it's same or not?
if indeed the same, I will admit gladly.

well, my account BANNED off course (cant trade or WD)
the profit is not normally, more than 500% per month.
that's why, my account will never trade again.
i think, this account is proved enough that my robot is profitable.
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010   1305 postagens
Oct 08, 2010 at 13:40 (editado há Oct 08, 2010 at 13:55)
Advertising your super GFR robot through hidden broker DEMO account is not in your favor. The fact that you don't have any new real account shows how much exactly you trust your creation. Your account wouldn't have been banned if you've used normal, reputable and legit broker. Prime4x are well known for non paying the winners.
Unless you show legit broker real account results you're just one of the tens of developers whose robots will remain in the great demo history of all demo super bots.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Membro Desde May 19, 2010   30 postagens
Oct 09, 2010 at 01:52
thanks guys....
if you think I scam, ok i scam.
but, if you think I am not a scam, please PM me.
well see
I can not say anything anymore.
99% scam , 1% opportunity
but its 100% your choice

little deposit to huge withdrawal
Membro Desde Oct 02, 2010   5 postagens
Oct 09, 2010 at 03:52
the question that i asked before, what happen to the robot Aug 15 until now? why last update just for Aug 15. Would you please share investors password here? or publish this trade account to new myfxbook account or mt4live so we can see the last update. Looks like you hided for the last record no offense guy if you honest you will show the last update for us
Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010   1305 postagens
Oct 09, 2010 at 06:35 (editado há Oct 09, 2010 at 06:37)
greatestforex posted:
thanks guys....
if you think I scam, ok i scam.
but, if you think I am not a scam, please PM me.
well see
I can not say anything anymore.
99% scam , 1% opportunity
but its 100% your choice


If it was so good you wouldn't have to sell it at all because it would earn you so much money. The fact that you come back here and insist that it's good w/o any real account proof is telling me that something's wrong. You obviously don't trade it on real account anymore, WHY? Why don't you prove us it's profitable, what you're doing is just throwing some naked words.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Membro Desde Feb 16, 2010   1305 postagens
Oct 09, 2010 at 06:38 (editado há Oct 09, 2010 at 06:38)
xeva posted:
the question that i asked before, what happen to the robot Aug 15 until now? why last update just for Aug 15. Would you please share investors password here? or publish this trade account to new myfxbook account or mt4live so we can see the last update. Looks like you hided for the last record no offense guy if you honest you will show the last update for us

He tried to withdraw but Prime4x didn't pay so he stopped trading.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Membro Desde Oct 02, 2010   5 postagens
Oct 09, 2010 at 15:50

forexma posted:
xeva posted:
the question that i asked before, what happen to the robot Aug 15 until now? why last update just for Aug 15. Would you please share investors password here? or publish this trade account to new myfxbook account or mt4live so we can see the last update. Looks like you hided for the last record no offense guy if you honest you will show the last update for us

He tried to withdraw but Prime4x didn't pay so he stopped trading.

maybe he have to share investors password here to prove it
Membro Desde May 19, 2010   30 postagens
Oct 11, 2010 at 06:10

forexma posted:
xeva posted:
the question that i asked before, what happen to the robot Aug 15 until now? why last update just for Aug 15. Would you please share investors password here? or publish this trade account to new myfxbook account or mt4live so we can see the last update. Looks like you hided for the last record no offense guy if you honest you will show the last update for us

He tried to withdraw but Prime4x didn't pay so he stopped trading.

to SOLAR, please don't pushing me!
that's right I'm scamer, please don't post in here anymore (are you happy with that?)

to XEVA, i cant upload for the same statement because 2010.07.01 00:00 they make single history, on 303 orders, 2010.07.01 you can see in for last update.

whatever my opinions and my evidence, I have always cornered and always wrong.
so, stop arguing. because it is not useful.
little deposit to huge withdrawal
Membro Desde Jul 10, 2010   129 postagens
Oct 14, 2010 at 23:34
hello Dear ! Yohanes
1- are GRU Like super fx robot that need 2 broker ? fast/slow or only single expert in one broker ?
2-why dont works in Real account ?
3- why stop trading ! please up to data history ! thanks

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