grid (Por fxsc1lper)

Ganho : +642.41%
Drawdown 57.91%
Pips: 7242.6
Trades 629
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Real
Alavancagem: 1:1000
Trading : Automatizado

Discussão grid

Nov 26, 2018 at 13:05
516 Visualizações
2 Replies
Membro Desde Nov 17, 2012   348 postagens
Nov 28, 2018 at 07:44
i am trying to build up a account ,let see
this is manual strategy + ea combo

initial investment has withdrawn , so no problem with risk now
skype id millennium.analyst
Membro Desde Nov 17, 2012   348 postagens
Dec 04, 2018 at 08:22
now this system is totally automatic
skype id millennium.analyst
Membro Desde Jan 23, 2018   45 postagens
Dec 20, 2018 at 08:10
I looked into all your 47 open trades of USDCAD range from 1.12312 to 1.132912. You have all short position as at Dec05, the last day of your updated system. Today, Dec20, USDCAD priced at 1.35000.

You have a brilliant idea by hedging USD across different currecy pair. You short in USDCAD (short dollar), you scalp your small gain across other USD related currency pair by LONG dollar (NZDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY etc).

each currency pair has it own grid. so you close all your position when it turn profitable.

This is a very aggressive EA. I would like to know when will you realise all your unrealise lose? does it base on your DD%? Thanks
I try not to burn my account
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