Hyper EA (discontinued) (Por forexgermany)
Ganho : | +25.65% |
Drawdown | 21.34% |
Pips: | 538.0 |
Trades | 651 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:100 |
Trading : | Automatizado |
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Discussão Hyper EA (discontinued)
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2010
3 postagens
Jul 22, 2011 at 09:15
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2010
3 postagens
what type of acoount do you have? Normal, ECN, Micro? Im most times when you have profit I have small losses. I use an ECN account. Now I think it may be bacause of big ping to the trade server (~90 ms).
Thanks in advance.
what type of acoount do you have? Normal, ECN, Micro? Im most times when you have profit I have small losses. I use an ECN account. Now I think it may be bacause of big ping to the trade server (~90 ms).
Thanks in advance.
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
Jul 24, 2011 at 14:44
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
I have an ECN account too. Ping time from VPS to the FinFX server is about 40 ms.
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2010
3 postagens
Jul 27, 2011 at 06:01
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2010
3 postagens
Thanks a lot for the answer.
By the way, on the 14th of July you had a big loss. On the same day I had problems with several EAs too. When I looked at log-files I saw the errors while trying close orders ("Trade context is busy"). The support answered that it was a problem with their Meta bridge. You can try apply to the broker to compensate your loss.
By the way, on the 14th of July you had a big loss. On the same day I had problems with several EAs too. When I looked at log-files I saw the errors while trying close orders ("Trade context is busy"). The support answered that it was a problem with their Meta bridge. You can try apply to the broker to compensate your loss.

Membro Desde Aug 07, 2011
39 postagens
Nov 29, 2011 at 07:22
Membro Desde Aug 07, 2011
39 postagens
Dear Users of Myfxbook,
I'm developer of Hyper EA and i'm here to provide support for this product. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.
I'm developer of Hyper EA and i'm here to provide support for this product. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question.
Membro Desde Dec 26, 2011
50 postagens
Jan 09, 2012 at 18:45
Membro Desde Dec 26, 2011
50 postagens
Hello all, Is this really works? I still researching on it but I simply not like EA where sl 5 times bigger than tp. I hope that hyper ea is not like that.
Membro Desde Dec 26, 2011
50 postagens

Membro Desde Aug 07, 2011
39 postagens
Jan 11, 2012 at 22:45
Membro Desde Aug 07, 2011
39 postagens
Hello, Sir. I think, that the owner of this account updated it today. You can check now the latest results.

Membro Desde Aug 07, 2011
39 postagens
Jan 11, 2012 at 22:46
Membro Desde Aug 07, 2011
39 postagens
as for work it or not, it's up to you to decide. this system worked good on low spreads during all last year.
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
Jan 13, 2012 at 18:17
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
I deactivated the EA from December 19th to January 6th due to market conditions in the holiday season. Besides that, it has been trading for about 8 months now.
Membro Desde Jan 02, 2011
142 postagens
Feb 13, 2012 at 10:15
Membro Desde Jan 02, 2011
142 postagens
I'm wonder at what risk setting is this account being run at? I run at .2lots per 1k which is 10%. What is being run here?
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
Feb 23, 2013 at 08:22
Membro Desde Oct 04, 2010
144 postagens
Given the weak performance over the last 6 month, trading has been disabled.

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