NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA (Por forex_trader_2825)

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Discussão NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA

Dec 13, 2011 at 13:15
19,888 Visualizações
163 Replies
Membro Desde Nov 12, 2009   272 postagens
Oct 19, 2012 at 01:33
When will you update a link with Real results for v1.20 update? Thanks
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2009   129 postagens
Oct 19, 2012 at 07:00
jsantos3 posted:
When will you update a link with Real results for v1.20 update? Thanks

All live accounts are now using the v1.20, I just havent upated the myfxbook links yet.

But, just for you, I shall do that today.

Cheers, Adam :)

Membro Desde Jan 08, 2013   14 postagens
Feb 19, 2013 at 14:47
any update on fxbook...?
Membro Desde Nov 09, 2009   129 postagens
Feb 19, 2013 at 23:16
hanykhattab72 posted:
any update on fxbook...?

Hi there,

We no longer run any demo accounts, but you can check in our profile for our live AXI account. I've been meaning to hide this completely and replace it with a livey but Ive been distracted in other areas.

Demo accounts show how the system would perform in a perfect nonslip trading environment, but generally speaking you cant get that on a real money account unless you're trading a brokers BBook that otherwise trades like an ECN.....and there's a few of those about but its not sustainable long term with a substantial amount of capital in trade.

We only trade the system at broker who do put orders through to the real market and we work with them especially to tweak their feeds in such a way that gives rise to more favorable trading conditions for our system because it is highly specific in its requirements. Certain slip and other execution tolerances must be maintained or the system will not be profitable on a live feed.

Cheers, Adam :)
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