PAMMkarpat'f'insta (Por karpat)
Ganho : | +17.8% |
Drawdown | 93.39% |
Pips: | 6310.7 |
Trades | 1224 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:500 |
Trading : | Manual |
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Discussão PAMMkarpat'f'insta
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Aug 19, 2013 at 06:11
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 33th week of 2013.
Equity: +2,73%
Maximum Drawdown: -3,64%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +123,07%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: +2,73%
Maximum Drawdown: -3,64%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +123,07%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Aug 30, 2013 at 11:24
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 34th week of 2013.
Equity: +5,78%
Maximum Drawdown: -3,36%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +138,87%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: +5,78%
Maximum Drawdown: -3,36%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +138,87%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Aug 31, 2013 at 12:31
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 35th week of 2013.
Equity: -3,32%
Maximum Drawdown: -6,03%
The result of the August 2013.
Equity: -4,38%
Maximum Drawdown: -10,99%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +130,91%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: -3,32%
Maximum Drawdown: -6,03%
The result of the August 2013.
Equity: -4,38%
Maximum Drawdown: -10,99%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +130,91%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Sep 08, 2013 at 14:46
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 36th week of 2013.
Equity: -1,36%
Maximum Drawdown: -8,57%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +127,71%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: -1,36%
Maximum Drawdown: -8,57%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +127,71%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Sep 15, 2013 at 07:31
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 37th week of 2013.
Equity: +1,72%
Maximum Drawdown: -3,88%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +135,76%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: +1,72%
Maximum Drawdown: -3,88%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +135,76%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Sep 21, 2013 at 12:45
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 38th week of 2013.
Equity: +3,98%
Maximum Drawdown: -7,06%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +141,95%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: +3,98%
Maximum Drawdown: -7,06%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +141,95%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Aug 25, 2013
5 postagens
Sep 22, 2013 at 14:22
Membro Desde Aug 25, 2013
5 postagens
50% performance fee very high ?
Total PAMM is very low size, less than $1,000, why dont you inject couple thousands and run couple of months to increase visibility ?
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Oct 02, 2013 at 10:51
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 39th week of 2013.
Equity: -1,35%
Maximum Drawdown: -5,77%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +138,52%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: -1,35%
Maximum Drawdown: -5,77%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +138,52%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Oct 06, 2013 at 08:33
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
The result of the September 2013.
Equity: +5,46%
Maximum Drawdown: -10,41%
Result of the 40th week of 2013.
Equity: -3,32%
Maximum Drawdown: -10,38%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +134,67%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: +5,46%
Maximum Drawdown: -10,41%
Result of the 40th week of 2013.
Equity: -3,32%
Maximum Drawdown: -10,38%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +134,67%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Oct 16, 2013 at 13:07
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 41th week of 2013.
Equity: -2,13%
Maximum Drawdown: -7,24%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +130,24%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: -2,13%
Maximum Drawdown: -7,24%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +130,24%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Oct 28, 2013 at 12:59
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 43th week of 2013.
Equity: +0,15%
Maximum Drawdown: -7,97%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +127,69%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Equity: +0,15%
Maximum Drawdown: -7,97%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +127,69%
Maximum Drawdown: -27,32%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Nov 04, 2013 at 07:32
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 44th week of 2013.
Equity: -11,83%
Maximum Drawdown: -13,02%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +100,65%
Maximum Drawdown: -30,85%
Equity: -11,83%
Maximum Drawdown: -13,02%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +100,65%
Maximum Drawdown: -30,85%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Nov 19, 2013 at 13:38
Membro Desde Mar 25, 2011
35 postagens
Result of the 45th week of 2013.
Equity: -7,42%
Maximum Drawdown: -16,82%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +95,49%
Maximum Drawdown: -39,82%
Equity: -7,42%
Maximum Drawdown: -16,82%
Total of starting work.
Equity: +95,49%
Maximum Drawdown: -39,82%
Treat to others the way you want them to treat you.

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