Performance system (Por mytraderadvisor)
Ganho : | +416.96% |
Drawdown | 14.49% |
Pips: | 26.2 |
Trades | 1554 |
Ganhou : |
Perdeu : |
Digitar : | Real |
Alavancagem: | 1:400 |
Trading : | Automatizado |
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Discussão Performance system

Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
Jul 09, 2013 at 13:25
Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
I am interested in your strategy. How can I use your services? Please tell me more about this robot.
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Jul 09, 2013 at 15:49
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Thanks for your interest.
You can find all detailed information and chat in our website mytraderadvisor . com
We propose 3 solutions :
- Performance managed accounts (this robot) (that we recommend)
- Serenity managed account (low risk)
- MQL5 Signals (this robot)
This robot uses several strategies on several pairs. The main one is a grid with edge positions on 2 pairs to lower the risk and have more trade opportunities.
You can find all detailed information and chat in our website mytraderadvisor . com
We propose 3 solutions :
- Performance managed accounts (this robot) (that we recommend)
- Serenity managed account (low risk)
- MQL5 Signals (this robot)
This robot uses several strategies on several pairs. The main one is a grid with edge positions on 2 pairs to lower the risk and have more trade opportunities.
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !

Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
Jul 10, 2013 at 06:20
Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
What is the minimum size of the account to use this signal service? What is the risk? What is the lost size per $10K account?
Can it work on MAM account?
Can it work on MAM account?
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Jul 10, 2013 at 12:54
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Minimum account is 10k for Signal Service and MAM account
Max relative drawdown since 1 year 15%, max since 2009 33%
min first lot size from 0.01 - 0.05
yes it works on MAM account and we recommend it ;-)
Max relative drawdown since 1 year 15%, max since 2009 33%
min first lot size from 0.01 - 0.05
yes it works on MAM account and we recommend it ;-)
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Aug 25, 2013 at 14:32
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Of course still profitable ! ;-)
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !
Membro Desde Jun 09, 2013
29 postagens
Aug 28, 2013 at 05:07
Membro Desde Jun 09, 2013
29 postagens
when the equity increases do you increase the lot size as well (reinvest winnings) or just follow a standard setting on order size?
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Aug 28, 2013 at 12:55
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Hi Lakis,
yes lot size increase with equity and it is always proportional to the account traded.
yes lot size increase with equity and it is always proportional to the account traded.
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !
Membro Desde Sep 27, 2013
22 postagens
Sep 27, 2013 at 15:20
Membro Desde Sep 27, 2013
22 postagens
Nice looking system.
I'm new to this site and am confused about one thing.
What exactly is the green bar chart that overlays the growth chart?
Each bar indicates a specific number of pips (some positive, some negative).
If this represents the gains or losses for each day, why does the growth
chart never go down, even on big losing days like July 08 (-1.34K pips)?
Thanks ...
I'm new to this site and am confused about one thing.
What exactly is the green bar chart that overlays the growth chart?
Each bar indicates a specific number of pips (some positive, some negative).
If this represents the gains or losses for each day, why does the growth
chart never go down, even on big losing days like July 08 (-1.34K pips)?
Thanks ...
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Sep 27, 2013 at 20:58
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Green bar represents to open lots.
You can see that when open lots (trade) is bigger, equity (yellow line) is lower (drawdown).
The strategy adds several positions, plus hedge trades, and tries to close them with profits.
Green bar represents to open lots.
You can see that when open lots (trade) is bigger, equity (yellow line) is lower (drawdown).
The strategy adds several positions, plus hedge trades, and tries to close them with profits.
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !

Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Sep 28, 2013 at 17:49
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
You can use with managed account or trading signals. All in explain on the website
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !

Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
Sep 29, 2013 at 14:43
Membro Desde Jun 19, 2013
12 postagens
How many trades per week? How many lots can this robot make per day?
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Sep 29, 2013 at 14:51
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Here are the stats :
Total return: +362.4%
Monthly return: +11.6%
Weekly return: +2.7%
Peak drawdown: -1.6%
Trade win %: 70.5%
Profit factor: 2.51
Pips: -441.1
Trades per day: 3.4
History: 408 days
Total return: +362.4%
Monthly return: +11.6%
Weekly return: +2.7%
Peak drawdown: -1.6%
Trade win %: 70.5%
Profit factor: 2.51
Pips: -441.1
Trades per day: 3.4
History: 408 days
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !
Membro Desde Dec 14, 2012
6 postagens
Oct 08, 2013 at 18:59
Membro Desde Dec 14, 2012
6 postagens
What about that 40% + drawdown that happened on 18 of September??
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Oct 16, 2013 at 08:28
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
You are right. We had our biggest relative drawdown in 5 years on Fed news. Thanks to this live experience, we already improved the system to lower the risk and have a different management on important economic news.
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !
Membro Desde Dec 14, 2012
6 postagens
Oct 31, 2013 at 22:23
Membro Desde Dec 14, 2012
6 postagens
Hi, i know this is non of my business but why such a high performance fee on serenity? that is like half the profits off 2% that leaves u with about 1% roi per month :)
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Nov 01, 2013 at 09:13
Membro Desde Sep 28, 2012
18 postagens
Good question :-)
Serenity system target 20% net client / year with the lowest risk, originally made for bigger accounts.
If you compare to similar hedge funds products (growth and risk) our performance fee is at market average. (and no entrance/exit, management, fee or any markup).
We also have constantly a trader watching the accounts.
We recommend a portfolio with 80% Serenity and 20% Performance.
Serenity system target 20% net client / year with the lowest risk, originally made for bigger accounts.
If you compare to similar hedge funds products (growth and risk) our performance fee is at market average. (and no entrance/exit, management, fee or any markup).
We also have constantly a trader watching the accounts.
We recommend a portfolio with 80% Serenity and 20% Performance.
Just invest ... watch and enjoy !

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