Profit Collectors - Consistent Profit Strategy (Por forex_trader_248091)

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Discussão Profit Collectors - Consistent Profit Strategy

May 11, 2015 at 10:47
12,678 Visualizações
221 Replies
Membro Desde May 28, 2015   24 postagens
Apr 24, 2016 at 14:35
bansostra posted:

Is it possible to turn forex diirection using our mind too?? 😁

It is very clear which way this train is going due to the people standing on the platform. If people are standing, it means the train is just coming and not leaving, therefore it is coming towards you. I am pretty sure they are not all standing there without going on the train and watching it leave without them at the far end of the station. The guy at the end is actually watching in the direction from which the train is coming.

But yes, you think how you want, and how you think it will be.
Membro Desde May 28, 2015   24 postagens
Apr 24, 2016 at 14:39
The equity drawdown looks like you use no stop loss and hope that losing trades will go back into profits. Or are you using some system to have control over the trades? Your input will be most welcome. Thanks.
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