SPB V3.3 (Por Archerrion)

Ganho : +448.35%
Drawdown 58.63%
Pips: 880.5
Trades 2300
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Real
Alavancagem: 1:500
Trading : Automatizado

Discussão SPB V3.3

Feb 04, 2014 at 14:07
750 Visualizações
3 Replies
Membro Desde Oct 03, 2013   2 postagens
May 04, 2014 at 06:29
dis is a winning system....but too expensive 4 us retail traders... is there a way u can help me
Membro Desde Jan 30, 2014   4 postagens
May 04, 2014 at 14:42
There is another way you can use this EA, it is by using our managed account service.
We require a minimum of 5000$ deposit and profit sharing of 50:50,
50% profit portion should be send to us every month.
profit is your best solution
Membro Desde Jan 25, 2010   1288 postagens
Sep 06, 2014 at 16:25
Ha! He stops this account JUST before it blows up. Drawdown hits 48% at the last day...

I'm sure this account did not survive beyond then. Otherwise it would still be trading.
Membro Desde Jan 30, 2014   4 postagens
Sep 10, 2014 at 06:39
Sorry you wrong Matt..
Too bad for you that you won't be able tasting any profit from Forex
profit is your best solution
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