Test Account (Por bluemele)
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Discussão Test Account
Membro Desde May 01, 2010
271 postagens
Sep 26, 2010 at 03:30
Membro Desde May 01, 2010
271 postagens
This is a test account used to test all the amazingly unprofitable systems from Forex Factory forums. :)
Be Open, honest and ethical and all the $$$ you want will come. (hint hint)
Membro Desde Sep 09, 2010
35 postagens
Sep 27, 2010 at 18:17
Membro Desde Sep 09, 2010
35 postagens
what is a test account?
Patient The Best Stractegy
Membro Desde May 01, 2010
271 postagens
Sep 27, 2010 at 19:09
Membro Desde May 01, 2010
271 postagens
Live Forward Testing on a small sum to test the validity of a strategy or technique.
Be Open, honest and ethical and all the $$$ you want will come. (hint hint)

*Não serão tolerados uso comercial ou spam. O não cumprimento desta regra poderá resultar na exclusão da conta.
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