Tourbillon (Por forex_trader_332302)

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Discussão Tourbillon

May 28, 2016 at 10:59
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149 Replies
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
May 31, 2016 at 14:52

I'm Elena from Switzerland. I live from my trading since 3 years. I'm in forex trading since 10 years.
Everybody knows girls are the best in trading :-p

Seriously i try to show you my account here with a small capital (8000€).

Here you could see low drawdown and stable profit each month. No gambling, only serious trading.

Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
May 31, 2016 at 20:22
Just to compare.....

Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 01, 2016 at 20:57
Be careful all, tomorrow it's dangerous day to trade.

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011   1768 postagens
Jun 02, 2016 at 06:41
felicitation Elena..keep up the good job😄
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 02, 2016 at 07:47
Thank you rob
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 03, 2016 at 08:41
Hello guys !!!!!!!

+0.14 today and 1.11% for this month

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011   1768 postagens
Jun 03, 2016 at 18:53
what style are you trading ,fundamentals ?? witch way do you prefer?
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 05, 2016 at 12:03
It's fundamental trading. I follow news and interesting support and resistance when there is a news.
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 05, 2016 at 13:08
Maybe soon i will open a signal on SignalStart if some people are interested to follow me.

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Feb 11, 2011   1768 postagens
Jun 06, 2016 at 06:56
we'll keep an eye on it😄
Membro Desde Sep 08, 2015   35 postagens
Jun 06, 2016 at 07:09
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 06, 2016 at 17:57
altescgroupinc posted:

Thank you Patrick John Peguit !!

Hello guys ! Still low drawdown and still small stable profit each day.....

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Jan 27, 2013   427 postagens
Jun 06, 2016 at 20:00 (editado há Jun 06, 2016 at 20:03)
Elena Chopin is member since May 28 2016, little bit over a week. When somebody is opening an account here, that somebody can pretend to be from Vanuatu, Switzerland or Romania same as myself. Also you can choose which gender and picture to use. So in the end what is really defining us as members here is how we trade. Let's see how is trading "Elena Chopin":
-History and open trades closed (first bells ringing!!! hello robb559, what are you doing?
-on May 26 is closing probably a basket of trades in profit, but with -632 pips. This indicates martingale or grid, but most probably is martingale. This is repeated on June 02. I'm using also martingale and I know what opinion have most of you about it, but this is my choice and in my public accounts I have nothing hidden.
So in the end "Elena Chopin" , nice picture by the way, it will disappear from scene in 1-2 month after this account will sink, to reappear under another name.
Regards to all.

PS: if I'll be wrong I apologize already to "Elena"
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 06, 2016 at 20:11 (editado há Jun 06, 2016 at 20:14)
ovisun posted:
Elena Chopin is member since May 28 2016, little bit over a week. When somebody is opening an account here, that somebody can pretend to be from Vanuatu, Switzerland or Romania same as myself. Also you can choose which gender and picture to use. So in the end what is really defining us as members here is how we trade. Let's see how is trading "Elena Chopin":
-History and open trades closed (first bells ringing!!! hello robb559, what are you doing?
-on May 26 is closing probably a basket of trades in profit, but with -632 pips. This indicates martingale or grid, but most probably is martingale. This is repeated on June 02. I'm using also martingale and I know what opinion have most of you about it, but this is my choice and in my public accounts I have nothing hidden.
So in the end "Elena Chopin" , nice picture by the way, it will disappear from scene in 1-2 month after this account will sink, to reappear under another name.
Regards to all.

Yes you have right. Everybody can pretend to be from Thailand or Romania or other. I think you are God to pretend i will disappear from scene in 1-2 months.

So i have to clarify some point. I'm Elena Chopin. I was born to Neuchatel. I'm 29 years old. I'm a real woman. And my picture is real picture.
But it's my private life. And you are so rude to come here and let this kind of comment. Of course my myfxbook account is new and my trading account too. So what ? It's forbidden to create an account here and to be new ?
I can guess you don't like woman or you have some problem with your testosterone maybe.
Or maybe you are sexist. I don't care about this. I'm not here to talk about my private life or your testosterone problem.
I'm just here to share on myfxbook's community my trading.

Don't worry i will not block you Ovisun. I'm not like "anna forex" who is blocking people who are against her business.
You can come back here when you want to make a bad or good comment. I'm open about this. But please don't offense myself about my gender or my name....

PS : Your system looks good

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Jan 27, 2013   427 postagens
Jun 06, 2016 at 20:22
OK, I already said that I apologize if I'm wrong and only time will tell this. For a good start you can at least open history. In your response was mostly about me being a sexist and having a problem with my level of testosterone. Let's go back to normal discussion about forex and forget about other topics.
I really hope you will be here for a long time and you are right, everybody is at a moment when he/she must open an account here, "the beginning" for everybody.
Regards and many pips to you.

PS: I like women, not boys
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 07, 2016 at 14:49 (editado há Jun 07, 2016 at 14:59)
Hello guys !!

+0.45% today. I trade 8000 euros and its not cent account like Anna.... Still low drawdown ;)

PS: If you want to follow my signal, how much could you pay for this each month ?

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 07, 2016 at 20:34
No trade for this night and tomorrow. Too dangerous to make some trade this night and tomorrow.

Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Nov 24, 2015   59 postagens
Jun 08, 2016 at 06:37
elena ,peut tu me parler francais pour enlever les doutes que tu es bien de suisse?

i asked to to speak french to demonstrate that she is form switzterand 😄
Membro Desde May 28, 2016   192 postagens
Jun 08, 2016 at 08:05
Bien sûr que je peux parler français. C'est pas un problème. Vous ne le croyez toujours pas ?
Je dois faire une dissertation ? Mdr
Elena Chopin
Membro Desde Sep 08, 2015   35 postagens
Jun 08, 2016 at 08:36
ambot nimo dai..

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