Trendy System (Por MRfrancis84)

Ganho : +51.45%
Drawdown 21.91%
Pips: 475.5
Trades 98
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Demo
Alavancagem: 1:50
Trading : Manual

Discussão Trendy System

Mar 22, 2012 at 22:08
876 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Jul 01, 2011   41 postagens
Apr 13, 2012 at 11:26
Very nice results, Francis. I subscribed to Trendy's trading signals for a while when it was trading on a live account, but the results were not that good. After that I subscribed to trading with your EA, but the automated trades are by far not as good as your manual trades. I wouldn't mind receiving signals from a demo account, as long as they are succesful. 😄 I am convinced that you and Shawn are excellent traders. Would you consider setting up a signal service again receiving signals from your manual trades on a demo account?
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2011   7 postagens
Apr 14, 2012 at 10:44
I suggest you register at the site and get involved in the Forum. We send the signals or trades we are in on there, so if your not actively on the forum then the site will not benefit you. The signals will be sent/notify you by email or sms text message. I only trade manually, the demo and Rea/Live account are traded with the same signal, but obviously there will always be a little bit of a difference. Checkout my Real Money account. Currently up 490 pips this month.

We have change and set new strategies on trading the Trendy System. As with any system there will always be winning and losing trades, but we feel Trendy is the premier EA system on the market it has been in development for the last 7 years and is just now coming to the market to be available to others to use and learn.

I hope to see you on the forum and receiving our signals @

Thank you Hans. Have a great day!

VP Forex Trade Signals
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