Vortex Trader PRO (Por vortextraderpro)

Ganho : +2131.88%
Drawdown 27.67%
Pips: 2247.4
Trades 474
Ganhou :
Perdeu :
Digitar : Real
Alavancagem: 1:200
Trading : Automatizado

Discussão Vortex Trader PRO

Feb 03, 2015 at 01:56
57,604 Visualizações
1,168 Replies
Membro Desde Jan 20, 2015   30 postagens
Apr 21, 2015 at 15:58
VTP with trade copying is obviously a great EA, but as an old guy with not a whole lot of time left to turn a small account balance into enough money to pay off my kids mortgages I find this fellow a lot more interesting.
Membro Desde Nov 13, 2010   44 postagens
Apr 21, 2015 at 16:24
I seriously doubt any profit made from any new unheard-of-brokers.
Membro Desde Jan 20, 2015   30 postagens
Apr 21, 2015 at 17:17
They all start off new and unheard of. I'm going to watch for a while longer. I emailed him and he offered to manage my acct for 5% of the profit monthly, so long as I funded the acct with enough to allow min trade size of 1 lot. Seems like a nice guy, answered my emails quickly enough. Interesting possibility, and becoming more interesting with time. Just sayin'.
Membro Desde Apr 22, 2011   24 postagens
Apr 21, 2015 at 18:13 (editado há Apr 21, 2015 at 18:13)
Looks like you can subscribe for $20 a month at MQL5. The new subscriptions are not permitted due to large drawdown.
Membro Desde Nov 13, 2010   44 postagens
Apr 21, 2015 at 18:56
mactavish posted:
They all start off new and unheard of. I'm going to watch for a while longer. I emailed him and he offered to manage my acct for 5% of the profit monthly, so long as I funded the acct with enough to allow min trade size of 1 lot. Seems like a nice guy, answered my emails quickly enough. Interesting possibility, and becoming more interesting with time. Just sayin'.

Thanks for sharing this info. I've seen this kind of combinations of very good results and unheard of brokers. Just common sense, if I have $50000 to manage, I 'd never consider sending my money to any new unheard of brokers. I only believe in good results with reputable brokers because it's quite possible for some scam brokers to cook their own trading records to attract funds. I'm not saying this one is such a broker, but I just want to be cautious.
Membro Desde Jan 20, 2015   30 postagens
Apr 21, 2015 at 21:15
One of these days I'm going to ask him if there are any client accts he manages that I can look at.
Membro Desde Mar 30, 2015   32 postagens
Apr 22, 2015 at 19:33
Just started using VTP since last Thursday. Not a very good start at this time. Hoping things will improve soon......
Membro Desde Feb 20, 2015   50 postagens
Apr 23, 2015 at 10:20
we took a nice afraid ....
Membro Desde Mar 30, 2015   32 postagens
Apr 23, 2015 at 17:47
Not sure what you mean by that?
Membro Desde Jan 13, 2015   10 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 06:32
how about -100 pips down??? :-(
A simple humble guy around this life
Membro Desde May 03, 2011   17 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 06:51
I started to use VTP yesterday. I got exactly the same trades as this master account. But what happened? SL came down to 200 pips. It's nearly 2 times risk as the original. And those trades with small losses are also not typical to this EA. Is it an EA or a manual signal then?
Membro Desde Apr 02, 2015   7 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 11:53
bbulcsu72 posted:
I started to use VTP yesterday. I got exactly the same trades as this master account. But what happened? SL came down to 200 pips. It's nearly 2 times risk as the original. And those trades with small losses are also not typical to this EA. Is it an EA or a manual signal then?

I also started to use VTP recently and I calculated the lot sizes based on a 110pip SL.
It might make sense to increase the SL from 110 to 200 if that can allow recover trades that would be closed in lost by just providing some additional room. (The looses early this week would have been recovered for instance).
If the EA has been modified to adapt to this scenario, it would be good to know. That way we can adjust our risks based on this new SL policy.
Doug could you share any information about this change of 200 PIP SL?
Membro Desde Jul 09, 2014   47 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 11:56
Bixkor posted:
bbulcsu72 posted:
I started to use VTP yesterday. I got exactly the same trades as this master account. But what happened? SL came down to 200 pips. It's nearly 2 times risk as the original. And those trades with small losses are also not typical to this EA. Is it an EA or a manual signal then?

I also started to use VTP recently and I calculated the lot sizes based on a 110pip SL.
It might make sense to increase the SL from 110 to 200 if that can allow recover trades that would be closed in lost by just providing some additional room. (The looses early this week would have been recovered for instance).
If the EA has been modified to adapt to this scenario, it would be good to know. That way we can adjust our risks based on this new SL policy.
Doug could you share any information about this change of 200 PIP SL?

I suggest you use strategy tester...
Im writing about my experiences, so yours can be different ;)
Membro Desde Nov 13, 2010   44 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 13:59
bbulcsu72 posted:
I started to use VTP yesterday. I got exactly the same trades as this master account. But what happened? SL came down to 200 pips. It's nearly 2 times risk as the original. And those trades with small losses are also not typical to this EA. Is it an EA or a manual signal then?

It looks like there was manual intervention in changing the SL and closing the positions. It's quite obvious.
Membro Desde May 03, 2011   17 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 15:07
vgasper posted:
Bixkor posted:
bbulcsu72 posted:
I started to use VTP yesterday. I got exactly the same trades as this master account. But what happened? SL came down to 200 pips. It's nearly 2 times risk as the original. And those trades with small losses are also not typical to this EA. Is it an EA or a manual signal then?

I also started to use VTP recently and I calculated the lot sizes based on a 110pip SL.
It might make sense to increase the SL from 110 to 200 if that can allow recover trades that would be closed in lost by just providing some additional room. (The looses early this week would have been recovered for instance).
If the EA has been modified to adapt to this scenario, it would be good to know. That way we can adjust our risks based on this new SL policy.
Doug could you share any information about this change of 200 PIP SL?

I suggest you use strategy tester...

Since this one is running as a Trade Copier now, there's no use of strategy tester. As a new customer, I only got the trade copier, not the original EA.
Membro Desde Feb 22, 2015   82 postagens
Apr 24, 2015 at 17:36
I am still using the normal EA, not the new copier, and my trades does not match now, today I had 2 winners trades and here I do not see them
Membro Desde May 20, 2011   694 postagens
Apr 25, 2015 at 01:51
Happy two years of profit Vortex Trader Pro!
Membro Desde Nov 01, 2013   39 postagens
Apr 25, 2015 at 16:37
I asked Doug for refund on Monday. Doug replied me said he would be happy to refund and I'm still waiting now. Hope he could proceed it soon.
Membro Desde May 19, 2014   87 postagens
Apr 25, 2015 at 18:11
Hi all,

Well, just a few losing trades already made most of you in WORRY ?

Just calm down, and let's see how the VTP Trade Copier performs in coming weeks and next 2 months.

+++ By the way, after the 2 losing trades of GU, it seems that most of us use much bigger lot sizes than expected, and so, when those 2 losses on GU came, we suffered big loss.

I just bought another EA which traded on USDJPY, GBPJPY, and EURJPY and profits were good for last week. Risk vs Reward is over 1:1, and Win rate % is around 80%.

But I can not disclose here because it was from a friend of mine who wanted me to keep secret as of now.

But if anyone is interested, just pm me, and I can show you live results.

Next week, I am starting to trade a completely new, very small account of less than 150 usd with my Most Aggressive Trading Style. If you are interested in this, I can give you my Investor password via email.

My email is: [email protected]. My Skype ID is james.phuc72

I only want to have lots of trader friends, and if possible, I want to help newbie traders if I can.

At this moment, I am still using VTP Trade Copier, because I still believe in Doug's EA. At the same time, I am using the new EA from my friend (he wanted me to be his Beta-tester), and I use the smallest account to trade manually. I want to compare which of these 3 accounts have the fastest growth in shortest time like 1 - 2 months from next week.

Have a nice day !

Membro Desde Apr 25, 2015   3 postagens
Apr 26, 2015 at 07:38
hi all , Have any one now using this EA?

Is it still profitable? 😄
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